Report Subscription - Send email after saving to windows share

  • I have a SSRS data subscription that saves a file to windows share. The report runs monthly.

    There is a new requirement now that after the file gets saved to the windows share, an email needs to be generated to users mentioning that the file is available at the windows shared location.

    Please help if this is possible. I only see either windows file or email option in SSRS.



  • kk1173 (8/26/2013)

    I have a SSRS data subscription that saves a file to windows share. The report runs monthly.

    There is a new requirement now that after the file gets saved to the windows share, an email needs to be generated to users mentioning that the file is available at the windows shared location.

    Please help if this is possible. I only see either windows file or email option in SSRS.

    Would it be possible to run the report from SSIS and then use SSIS' Send Mail task to email that it is completed? You could create a SQL Agent job and schedule it to run monthly.

    There's an article here on SSC:



  • Thanks but that may not be possible. Is there any other workaround?

  • You could also set an Agent job to periodically monitor the status of the File Share subscription, using the Subscription table in the ReportServer db. Then, upon successful completion and whatever other parameters you wanted, it could kick off the second Email subscrip.

    If you absolutely HAD to use *only* SSRS, then you might be able to get away with a similar approach as outlined HERE, but instead your EXISTS clause would again read from the Subscriptions table on the ReportServer db to find a successful saving of the FileShare subscription file. You would probably have to run it like every 5 minutes starting when your FileShare subscrip fires, and then have it go for some amount of time until you're sure the FileShare subscrip would be done.

    I've never tried it before, I would just use SSIS, but off the dome it seems like it might work?

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