Report problem in Access 2003

  • Hi

    I have a silly problem - I'm sure with a simple solution.

    Simplified, my report has a Detail Section containing two fields Cost and Paid.  Cost is a currency field, Paid is a bit (checkbox).

    In a Group Header is a staffmember's name.

    I want to add a field to the Group Header which totals the Cost field only where the Paid field is 0 (unchecked).  That is total all unpaid costs.

    Many thanks


  • Hi Paul,

    The easiest way to do this is to add a field (I've called it Unpaid) to the query supplying the data to the report. Then put something like this as the field definition: Unpaid: IIf([Paid]=False,[Cost]). This will create a field that only has the unpaid amounts in it. This is very easy to sum in the report: =Sum([Unpaid]) as the control source for the field.

    The field in the query is a dynamic field and does not need to reside in a table.

    Of course this is all assuming that you are using a query to supply data to the report and not a table.



    Nicole Bowman

    Nothing is forever.

  • Hi Nicole

    Thanks for the reply.

    Yes, that is a surefire way to do it.  However, I have very much simplified my needs just for illustration purposes. 

    What I really need is to do it on-the-fly with a bit of code in the Report.  I have done this before, but, for some unaccountable reason, I can't get it to work now.

    I need to work out the cost of PT staff work according to whether they have previously been paid for the work or not.  There is a simple and elegant way to accomplish this by testing the Paid field before adding the Costs - but I just can't seem to be able to recreate it.  I obviously need a holiday.

    Many thanks



  • Hello Paul

    Create a textbox and set the following Control Source:


    Adjust [Table] to the correct table name.




  • Thanks Leo

    Unfortunately I can't get this to work for my Report.  I do have a solution - not a very elegant one - but it will have to do.

    Thanks again


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