Report not refreshing?


    AS  and RS 2005


    My cube is built on views both for dimensions and the fact table.


    I am using reporting services and the report i have designed works fine except it does not update when i change the data. I can see the change in a select from the view so it is definitly there. It does refresh if i reprocess the cube. This happens in rolap as well as molap.


    Any Ideas?[/url]

  • Jules,


    In reports there is a database called reportservertempdb.

    There is a table that stores the reports with expiration date.


    Try this:


    use reportservertempdb


    create trigger snapshotdata_ins on snapshotdata

    for insert


    delete snapshotdata

  • i dont think it is the report cach e because the report refreshes fine if i reprocess the cube . How do i get the cube to show incremental changes and not have to scedule reprocessing?[/url]

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