Report not found error

  • I created a report on my system and its running good. When I deployed it to remote server and run from the report server, then also it runs fine. But when I run it from the website, then it says

    The item '/Reports/<reportname>' cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound)

    I deleted the report from report server and deployed again but not helped.

    Tell me what to do.

  • The question needs some more detail.

    - You deploy it locally and can view it in BIDS?

    - You deploy it locally and can view it in IE?

    - You deploy to the web server and can view it in IE?

    - Then you ... something ... and it doesn't work.

    If you're trying to access it from another web site, you need to make sure that the FQDN being used to access the server is registered (there's an MS article on doing that). If it's a slightly different name to what you were using internally (even accessing "reports" and "reports.local" will affect it) then that will likely be the cause.

    And then there's the whole credentials issue; you need to add a machine account (WEBSERVER$) to the access list for the report. Maybe it issues the rsItemNotFound if it just doesn't have access...

    Or maybe you've just deployed it to the wrong server entirely?

  • Sorry, It was my fault. I was giving the wrong path in the database. It is working great.

    I have got the remote report server url and I can successfully upload reports from my system to the remote report server.

    I want that only I can upload reports on the server and no other can. How can I do that?

  • rexyrexin (4/22/2011)

    Sorry, It was my fault. I was giving the wrong path in the database. It is working great.

    I have got the remote report server url and I can successfully upload reports from my system to the remote report server.

    I want that only I can upload reports on the server and no other can. How can I do that?

    Make sure you're in the site's System Administrator role, and then on the root path make sure the security gives only you Publisher or Content Manager or My Reports access.

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