Report Builder button not available

  • Hi,

    I am trying to enable the Report Builder button for a user without any success.

    If the user logs in to the PC as an Administrator, the button is available, If he logs in as himself (a standard user), the button is not there.

    I have tried assigning the Report Builder role and the Content manager role to the BUILTIN\Users group, but that has not had any success.

    Any ideas on what to do?

  • A quick way to divide the problem in half would be to temporarily add the user to the administrators group on the PC.  If this takes care of the problem,  then it's likely a browser settings issue.  If it doesn't,  then it's a security issue on the server. 

    I haven't run into this problem myself,  but that's where I'd start.

    Good luck.




  • Hi Mike,

    Thanks for that. I don't understand the logic, but, adding the user to the admin group made the button appear. So what browser setting should be changed?

  • We encountered this problem as well on a new install of Reporting Services.  Turned out that even though I had all the roles assigned that I was not a user in the sytem.  Not sure if that will help you as well.  We didn't do anything related to being an admin on the pc.


  • Hi Geneva,

    it turns out that I needed to set up the person as a System User, under the Site Wide settings.

    I found this reference in Books Online which seems to make it clearer to me how things are supposed to work:

    Now that I know how the security works, I should be able to configure it properly.

    Thanks for your help

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