Report Builder 2.0 not executing from Report Manager

  • I have a 2008 Reporting Services install that is executing Report Builder 1.0 when the Report Builder button is pressed in Report Manager. I have downloaded Report Builder 2.0 and installed it on my RS server. It is still executing Report Builder 1.0 from Report Manager.

    Is there a way for this button to execute Report Builder 2.0 when a user selects this option?

    I know I can load 2.0 on the users PC but this is something I would like to avoid.

    Thanks for the help.

  • I found the solution.

    Starting from SQL Server 2008 SP1 Report Builder 2.0 can now be deployed as a click-once application. However this is not the default behavior after you install SP1.

    If you click the "Report Builder" icon in the Report Manager, the old Report Builder will pop up.

    To change this go to the Site Settings and change the URL under "Custom Report Builder launch URL" to following:


    This should do the trick. Have fun with Report Builder 2.0

  • This URL is not working for me, probably because Report Builder 2.0 was installed in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Report Builder 2.0 directory and not in a subdirectory of MSRS10. Even when I copy (and rename) the Report Builder 2.0 folder into C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.\Reporting Services\ReportServer\ReportBuilder2, I cannot get the URL to do more than point me to the (encrypted?) files in the ReportServer directory.

    I tried modifyig the URL to: http:///ReportServer/ReportBuilder2/ReportBuilder_2_0_0_0.application and to http:///ReportServer/ReportBuilder2/msReportBuilder.application (since msReportBuilder is what the application on my machine is called), but I get the same result - i.e., the application does not launch.

    Is the ClickOnce version of ReportBuilder 2.0 different than the standalone version, or do I not have it installed in the proper location?

  • Is there a way to do this programmatically using the SSRS web service?

  • THe msft technet article on how to do this is here.

    Note, you normally *don't* put the full URL in there, only the relative path (see the article for the details).


  • Notice that the article referenced above mentions PCU1, after installing Service Pack 1 changing the URL makes Report Builder 2.0 work.

    It looks like the install of the Report Builder stand alone install is not the same as what is installed with the SP. I would guess stand alone install on the server would not allow for the download of the components needed to your client.

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