Replication Question

  • Not sure if this should be in this forum or the Replication forum. I'm posting here because my question is a practice question for the certification exam.

    The question is:

    "In a replication scheme that employs a Central Subscriber, what type of subscription is best when no permanent, reliable communication links exist between the Publishers and the Subscriber?"

    The answer on the practice test says that a PUSH subscription would be the best, but this does not make sense to me. BOL says you should use push subscriptions when "near real-time movement of data without polling" is required. How can you have "near real-time movement" when you do not have "permanent, reliable communication links" between the Publishers and the Subscriber?

    If someone could explain this answer, I will be eternally grateful.

    Edited by - hankrearden2002 on 08/13/2003 12:35:26 PM

    “If you're not outraged at the media, you haven't been paying attention.”

  • My that while maybe its not reliable, probably it will be up more often than down, so push, while it may fail occasionally, would get the info across faster than polling. In other words, you'd have less latency with push than pull regardless of reliability.


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