Replication issue....STAT!!!

  • I had index issues this morning on a table in my database.  I did a dbcc reindex on that table and the problems went away.  Since, the replication has failed to another database for the following reasons and I need to get replication running again...any help????????  I gotta work fast!!!


    Last command:

    {CALL sp_MSdel_PATIENT_GLUCOSE_LABS (5777108)}

    Transaction sequence number and command ID of last execution batch are 0x0000691B00001EB9000100000000 and 2.

    error msg:

    The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command.

    error details:

    The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command.

    (Source: IMETOLAP (Data source); Error number: 20598)

    Thank you!!,


  • you must add  records which have been deleted at the subscriber server . because when running replication,  if have update operation or delete operation for some records at publish server and these records not found at subscriber server , then error occurs.

  • for all kinds of reasons, we decided to delete the replication publication and start over.  I scripted out the replication and re did it.  After the snapshot was done, I get an error that one of my tables cannot be dropped because it is being referenced by object _hypmv_0_2772............what am I doing wrong and how can I fix this??  Replication being down is critical....

    Thank you!!,


  • Here is the error msg:

    Cannot DROP TABLE 'PATIENT_RECORD_KEYS' because it is being referenced by object '_hypmv_0_2772'.

    (Source: IMETOLAP (Data source); Error number: 3729)


    Thank you!!,


  • is there only one subscriber to the published database?

    did you drop replication from the publisher or the subscriber?  right or wrong, i've had to script (dropping AND creating) replication at the publisher, drop replication at the publisher, delete the subscription at the subscriber, create replication at the publisher, then recreate the subscription at the subscriber.

    what does the transaction log on the publishing database look like?  transactions marked for replication at the publisher and not yet delivered to the subscriber may be filling up your transaction log if you did not drop replication from the publisher.


  • I did drop the publication.....and rebuilt it.  I did NOT drop anything at the subscriber....will this cause me issues??  I am in the middle of building the snapshot as we speak............

    Thank you!!,


  • object '_hypmv_0_2772' is most likely a foreign key constraint which won't allow the table to be dropped.  Drop the constraint and the table can then be dropped.

  • ok, I am now having problems with other tables not being able to be dropped because of being referenced by (in this case again, another view) another object.,

    Is there something I missed in the replication process where I was suppose to drop all constraints before building a new replication process??  Is there a fast way to do this and clean so that I don't get too confused here??  Thanks for all your help!!

    Thank you!!,


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