Replication Error

  • Hi,

    What I have is SQL Server 2000 sp3 running on Win 2000 (raid 5). What

    happened is a drive died and we put in a new one that cause the server to go


    After we got the server running again I got the information found below.

    People are using the database just fine. What could be causing this problem

    and could you point me in the right direction to get it fix.

    Error Message:

    The merge process could not perform retention-based meta data cleanup in

    database 'Iowa_Vet'.

    (Source: Merge Replication Provider (Agent); Error number: -2147199467)



    I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset 0x00000035e80000 in

    file 'D:\MSSQL2000_Data\MSSQL\Data\Iowa_Vet.mdf'.

    (Source: NTMKTO1DB (Data source); Error number: 823)





  • did you run a checkdb in database 'Iowa_Vet'?

    Did it return any errors?

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