Repication process is not starting

  • Hi Guys,

    I have the publisher database with 169 articles with some records and subscriber database with 169 articles.I have configured the transaction replication with push subscription.

    After that, i have reinitialiaze the subscriptions and verified the replication monitor.There is no error message.

    Agent is also running.Now i have checked the subscriber database whether publisher database records are replicated or not.Nothing was copied into subscriber from publisher.

    Can anyone suggest me,where i have made the mistake.

    Distributor,Publisher and Subscriber are all running in same server(SQLSERVER Enterpriase edition 2005)



  • No errors in the Replication Monitor? Checkk the event veiwer to see if yopu have log in failures. Also make sure the user you have put in the pub and sub have FULL access to the DB's.


    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • Has the snapshot agent for the publication run yet ? Until it does, you won't get anything coming through to your subscriber. In replication monitor, you will see a message something like "Snapshot not available" for the subscription.

  • Thanks for the reply,we have subscriber schema so we don't want to replicate the schema to scbscriber database.we want to replicate only publisher data to subscriber which is already existing in publisher database.

    Snapshot is copying both schema and data from publisher.

  • - It looks like you're doing a manual initialization of the subscription

    If so did you specify @sync_type='replication support only' in

    sp_addsubscription statement ?

    - What is the status of your subscription

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