Remove files older than

  • We are trying to restore an older database .BAK file. It was on the server but was deleted due to the maintenance plan setting "remove files older than 4 days".  Does anyone know of a way to get this file back? Our server backup happened after the maintenance plan ran at 10pm. Thanks for any help.

  • Unless you have archived this file off to tape I do not know of anyway to get the file back.

  • Thanks, I was afraid of that. Unfortunatey our tape backup didn't work the last few days.

  • Hello,

    It is a longshot, but you may be able to recover the deleted file using a disk recovery tool.  If none of the physical disk 'blocks' have been reused since the file was deleted, you may have a chance.  Try googling for 'disk recovery'.

    If you do decide to use one of the tools you find, be aware that you should not install the tool on the same drive that you're trying to recover from.  The installation may occupy one of the disk blocks you need...



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