Remove completely an istance of SQL Server 2K5

  • I have ask more and less the same issue, but I try to ask for it again in another manner.

    I have recently installed SQL Server 2K5, I have created 2 istance, then I had to uninstall them. After I installed SQL server 2K5; after the instalation was complete I have foud out that the od 2 instance previously created are still alive (only names).

    In fact I tried to connect to them, but of course it was not possible because files were missed.

    My question is:

    How to remove completely an istance or more; any procedure, some values in the registry?


  • How did you uninstall the instances? What do you mean by 'still alive'?

  • Good luck...   I installed a base instance and a pair of sub-instances on a server for evaluation of mirroring, and when clean-up time came I had a monster of a time getting the sub-instances to go away.  I had the best luck going into add-remove programs, selecting the "component" (instance - with the checkbox option) I wanted to get rid of, and letting it run.  There will still bits left in the registry and a couple of directories left - it did seem to make a difference if you let SQL install in its default locations as opposed to pointing them to another drive/location.  Never could get everything off, so in frustration, had my Engineer re-image the box.  However, before that I threw on a couple new instances and Reporting Services, and they functioned just fine - so if you don't mind some odds-and-ends left out there that don't necessarily hurt anything, you'll be OK.

  • I mean that:

    I installed SQL Server 2005 with 3 instances for example:

    SQLtest1, SQLtest2, SQLtest3, then I Uninstalled SQL2K5 with add remove programs (removing each instace).

    Then Reinstalled 2K5 creating an instance (for example) SQLtest4, at the end of installation I run Management Studio and in the "Connect..." window what I find (try to image)





    I run SQLtest1 without problem (connection OK), but If i try to run SQLtest1,2,3 it is not possibile to connect to them because the instances do not exist.

    I would like to point out that I used ADD/remove program, I remove everything in fact I didn't find anything in the Add/remove programs after uninstallation.

    I tried in onother thes machine with fresh installation (win server 2003 EE) but everything was the same !!!!

    Any help will be very appreciated

  • Ok, if there is somethying left out that do not necessarily hurt anything I agree with you, but I would like to avoid to leave "died" objects; anyone access the server and find "phantom instances" is not very good.


  • The file that stores the list of servers in the connection dialog drop down is stored here:

    "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Shell\mru.dat"

    This file is considered user data which means that when you uninstall SQL Server it is not removed. If you want to completely clear out all of your MRUs, including connections, you could delete (or rename) this file. The next time you start up Management Studio the connection drop down should be empty.

  • Thank a lot


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