Remote connections to a SQL Server 2000 database

  • It seems intuitive that a client should be able to interact with a SQL Server 2000 database over a WAN, but I don't know if that's really possible or, if so, what the limitations are.

    Specifically, I have a 3rd party application that uses a Windows-based client to index and store electronic documents in a SQL Server database on a LAN. Is there a way for this client to interact with a remote SQL Server database over an Internet connection? Would this depend on the transport/connection protocol(s) involved?

    Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.


  • You would need to give them a SQL Server authentication login. Then provide them the connection information (Server name or IP Address, instance name, port number). Then make sure that the firewall is set up to allow the connection. That should be all that is needed.



    For security sake be sure to use a VPN, or some type of encrypted connection.

  • Hi,

    you need a routable protocol, preferably tcp/ip.

    You need a working route to the server.

    You need to be able to access the SQL Server port, normally 1433.

    As Ron proposed, an accordingly configured VPN will get you there. 

    You also need to consider the bandwidth of the connection, since document storage and retrieval might involve a lot of data...



    Best regards

  • Thanks to SQLBill, Ron and Karl for your recommendations.

    If I set up a VPN, it would presumably  inside the firewall on the SQL Server end and the SQL Server would appear to the client app to be on the same LAN, thus eliminating the need to specifically open up any ports, agreed?



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