Remote backups (online services)

  • los (1/30/2009)

    We use a service from U.S. Data Trust ( They do full/incremental remote backups and the service is configurable via a web interface. I'm not sure about the cost however.

    Yah i saw these guys; their pricing:

    don't know if you were able to get a better deal than what they list -- but for our purposes that is about 10 times what their competitors are charging for the same services. for us that would be close to $250/month.

    it seems like this market has not really reached a steady price point, especially when many of these services fail to provide transparent pricing structures making it hard for direct comparison to occur

    Jason Williams (1/30/2009)

    Looked at

    I am looking at that for something similar for our SQL and Oracle Databases. offline storage could be a real gem.

    i looked at them also

    did you note that there is a size limitation of 5gb on any one file

    my database has 10gb files, which makes jungledisk a pain to use

    + the cost of S3 backup is really high when you take into account the fees for transferring data back and forth.

    a better alternative i found is bingodisk ($99/yr for 50gb) unlimited transfer

  • N G (1/31/2009)

    Jason Williams (1/30/2009)

    Looked at

    I am looking at that for something similar for our SQL and Oracle Databases. offline storage could be a real gem.

    i looked at them also

    did you note that there is a size limitation of 5gb on any one file

    my database has 10gb files, which makes jungledisk a pain to use

    + the cost of S3 backup is really high when you take into account the fees for transferring data back and forth.

    a better alternative i found is bingodisk ($99/yr for 50gb) unlimited transfer

    wow...didnt know that. Forget that. That doesn't help me at all. :hehe:

  • One other option to consider: FTP. As long as you can provide a machine that is reliably connected to the internet and can be suitably secured, this is pretty easy to set up. It can be hosted or in someone's basement depending on how much you want to pay.

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