Relating views as tables

  • I am working on a job where different applications are setup as different databases on a single SQL Server. Each application references an Employees and Departments tables. Naturally we don’t want to have to maintain these identical tables in multiple databases. So, we are looking at setting up a view in each database that will reference just one ‘master’ table for both the Employees and Departments tables. I have done this for one application and it has worked ok. However, now that I am referencing Employees and Departments as views instead of tables I see no way to setup relationships between the Employees and Departments and the other related tables. Or, is there another way to setup the databases, so there is only one ‘master’ table for each Employees and Departments.



  • Hi, not sure if this will help or really be what you are looking for but have you thought about creating a 'Common' database to house tables that are referenced by multiple databases?


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