Related extents...

  • Hi all,

    I have a doubt regarding how the extents r numbered..

    I have a file f1(file_id 1) which contains say 1 to 10000 extents. Now if I create one more file in the same database...say file f2(file_id 2) what will be the numbering of the first extent in the file f2..Is it 10001 or it starts with 1 onwards..?

    Thanks in advance..



  • To be honest I really don't know but I would wonder what difference it would make.

    Or do you mean something like identity columns rather than extents?

  • I don't believe that the extents are assigned an identifying name or number at all.  The GAM and SGAM pages of the datafile contain a sort of bitmap that tells the storage engine what it needs to know about the extents in the file.  But like Mike asked, what do you need the information for?  We might be able to give you a better answer if you provided more information...


    If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this. -Friedrich August von Hayek


  • Hi Mike & Peterson,

    Thanks for ur response.

    I read abt IAM wherein its mentioned that corresdponding to each each extent there is a bit map associated(1 or 0)to indicate whether it is allocated to the particular object or not.

    So I want to know how a IAM page would look like...

    Is it like this:

    Extent      Bit map

    10010        0

    10011        1

    10012        0




    11000       0

    Any thoughts.....

    Its just a doubt I have....and wanted to know as a part of my learning....

    thanks in advance


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