reindexing the database

  • Someone told me that whenever an application insert a record into the database the database will reindex all records for that specific table that it is inserting in. Is that true? Thanks for helping me.

  • Not true.

    It will add an entry into every index affected by the row (aka record) inserted, but "reindex" is a total different thing than "index insert" 

    Reindexing typically is handled directly by using a DBCC/database maintenance job on a periodic or as-necessary basis.

    aka "Paul"
    Non est ei similis.

    Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. ~ Albert Einstein

  • When a record is inserted it fills the free space available on page. If no space then split the page and add record. Reindex on the other hand recreate the index with the specified fill factor.


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