Reindexing question

  • Hi,

    we have 12 million records table with 30 indexes. When I rebuild the clustered index on this table using (dbcc dbreindex)the database grows tremendously. Is this normal?

    I set the recovery model to bulk logged before running it, it uses only about 2 gb space from the log driveand takes about 50 gb space from the data drive. The size of the database becomes 180 GB after reindexing (size before reindexing is 130 GB) - is this normal?

    any suggestions/advise appreciated -


  • Yes n No. It also depends on the appropriate fillfactor[FF] levels. FF amount will depend on how read or write intensive your tables are and the more write intensive the table is, the greater the fill factor needs to be.

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  • Thanks for your response, I gave FF 10%, assuming the maintenance plan uses 10% as FF, and yes this table is write intensive, is there a way I can reduce the size of the database now? thanks for your help -


  • You may wanna check the below articles, which gives you more details to determine-

    Get busy living ....or get busy dying....

  • My input:

    Adding indexes may increase the size of a database tremendously, in particular, for a huge table with about 30 indexes. It will not surprise me if you tell me your database size is doubled or trippled.

    Adding too many indexes to a table may result in poor performance.

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