Reindexing Failure : (Job collides ?)

  •  Hi Friends

    This is the log file of my database maintanance plan reindexing the database which had failed. Would anyone help me to specify this error? I suppose the Index rebuliding job had collided with my backup job which is running on 11.00pm and normally it takes 2hours to complete. I am looking for an excat answer.


    Ragesh Chavarattil

    Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version Logged on to SQL Server 'HORECONB' as 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' (trusted)

    Starting maintenance plan 'INTMATCH' on Fri Jul 08 14:00:00 2005

    [1] Database INTMATCH: Index Rebuild (leaving 100% free space)...

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Account'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'AccountBalance'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'AccountBalanceTemp'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'AccountPool'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'ActiveUser'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'AdjustedBalance'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'AuditTrail'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'AutoMatchSession'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'AvailableIds'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'BatchItem'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'BatchItemBalance'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'BatchTrade'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'BatchTradeBalance'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Bindery'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'CalEvents'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Calendars'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'CaseAuditTrail'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'CaseMessages'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Cases'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Class'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Company'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Currncy'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'CurrncyProfile'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'DBSecurity'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Department'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'ExchangeRates'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'FailedVersionChecks'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'FieldDesc'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'FieldRelation'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'FieldVals'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'GroupCategory'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'GroupCriteria'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Groups'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'HistoricalItemAuditTrail'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'HistoricalItemMessages'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'HistoricalItemReconHistory'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'HistoricalItemTracer'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'ImpExpFormat'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'InOutHistory'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'InterestRates'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'Item'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'ItemAuditTrail'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'ItemHistory'

        Rebuilding indexes for table 'ItemImage'

    [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 3023: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Backup, CHECKALLOC, bulk copy, SELECT INTO, and file manipulation (such as CREATE FILE) operations on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup, CHECKALLOC, or file manipulation operation is completed.

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Index (ID = 2) is being rebuilt.

        ** Execution Time: 9 hrs, 58 mins, 37 secs **

    Deleting old text reports...    2 file(s) deleted.

    End of maintenance plan 'INTMATCH' on Fri Jul 08 23:58:52 2005

    SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

  • Its clear from the error! Check your optimizations tab, and have the shrink database option disabled or change your backup schedule which wouldn't conflict with above shrinking operation.



  • What advantage we will if the shrink database option is enabled? Will you please explain?

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