reference parameter prompt?

  • Hi,

    Does anyone know how to reference the parameter prompt value?

    I'd like to have a list of the selected filters/parameters at the top of the report - something like:

    Filters: State = WA, City = Seattle, Last Name = Smith

    I looked at the only relevant post to what I am trying to do:

    but it didn't help much.  I can hardcode the values, I don't need to reuse this code for now.

    I have it so that it says:

    Filters = WA, Seattle, Smith

    but I'd like to add the Parameter Prompt = so that the filters make more sense.

    Not sure how to reference. I've tried the obvious.

    Any clues would be great!

    Thanks, Megan

  • Never mind, I just hard coded the Parameter Names for now.

    But if anyone has an answer, it would be nice to know.

  • I think you mean that in the header appear the name and the value of the report parameter selected... maybe you can try with




  • nope, that doesn't work, but i'll let you know if i find something that does.


  • i think a work around is to include the parameters in a select statement in a stored proc i presume and then just display like you would normally do other selected values

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • but if you make it clear what you really want, we can have a look at it

    Everything you can imagine is real.

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