Recent Dates Query


    I have been tasked with querying one of the "payment" tables in our database to pull the most recent payment made to each account.

    The table is arranged like this:

    ID           Account #        Description        Date       Amt

    1              123456           Gas Payment     5/8/04    20.56

    2              123457          Deposit Payment 5/19/04  60.59

    3              123456           Gas Payment      8/9/04    89.54


  • SELECT PMT1.* FROM PaymentTable PMT1 WHERE PMT1.Date = ( SELECT MAX(PMT2.Date) FROM PaymentTable PMT2 WHERE PMT2.AccountNum = PMT1.AccountNum )


  • My first reply appeared to have failed, Sorry if I'm repeating.

    If two checks, same account, same date are posted both will appear in Aaron's solution.  If that is a problem, use 2 aggregate queries (first over AccountNums' dates, then over AccountNums' MaxDates) to get one ID per account. Here's one way to do that:

    select pmt1.* from PaymentTable pmt1

    where pmt1.ID in (select max(ID) from

    (select pmt2.ID, pmt2.Account from PaymentTable pmt2 inner join (select pmt3.Account, max( pmt3.Date ) as MaxDate  from PaymentTable pmt3 group by pmt3.Account

    ) pmtAgg on pmt2.Account = pmtAgg.Account and pmt2.Date = pmtAgg.MaxDate

    ) as MaxDateIDs

    group by Account)

  • Try this

    select id,pmt2.account,

    from PaymentTable pmt2,

              ( select distinct account,max(Date) date

                        from PaymentTable

                        group by (account))pmt1

    where pmt2.account=pmt1.account


    Have a great day


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