Rebuild Data Pump Transformation

  • Hi!

    I need to rebuild a data pump transformation. I have several flat files (csv) and several target tables, i have parameterized the connection between source file and target table in a control table.

    I've a dynamic Transformation that chages the connection of Source flat file and Target Table, I can remove all transformations with an ActiveX Task, But know i get stuck... how can i rebuild my transformation using the information on my sources and target (my connection is one to one). I saw how SQL Server does in Visual Basic (saved my DTS in Visual Basic Module ), but that's not what i whant because i need to get the information from my connections. Ther's any way of doing it!? If not i'm...    (it's about 2 hundred files, i just want to do 1 DTS, and don't call me lazy :blush



  • Vitor,

    Take a look at this site and see if it answers you questions.


    Good Luck,


  • I know how use ActiveX, i just don't know how to Re-Map a Data Pump Task dynamicly.



  • Hi Vítor

          I face the same issue in DTS. Could  u pls give me any solution for this below problem?

    Source are 10 files

    Desintation are 10 tables .

    can we map the these transformation in single DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1 ? source and destinations are taken from control table which stores Source and destination name.



  • Jones,

    We solve the problem usinf the following solution: each file has the exact same number of columns as the destination table; the file column names are Col001, Col002, Col003...; we have  a control table where we can have the source file and target table.

    So what we do is: modify source file and target connections; remove all transformations from DataPumpTask; with a recordset we found all columns from target tables and to each one we build a transformation task between each column and the columns (Col001, Col002...) from source file, the columns from file are in same order then in target table.

    In the end you just need to make a loop to load the next file.

    Hope it helps,



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