re-sequencing an integer column

  • I am working with a medical practice management database, trying to correct a problem with a single table. The table contains patient insurance plan data. It has guid columns for person_id, insurance_payer_id, and person_payer_id. Each record for a given person_id has a sequential number(column name:cob) to sort patient insurance payers on the front end. The sequential number is reset to 1 for the next person_id. So in a perfect world, I would have:

    person_id insurance_payer_id cob

    6E791... DFAF1..... 1

    6E791... 1C145..... 2

    11A57..... E1FDB..... 1

    However, I have 30,000+ patients with gaps in the sequential ordering. This creates problems on the front end, because the program (which I have no control over) will not allow re-sorting of the insurance plans unless the cob column has no gaps.

    My question is, is there a way to resequence the cob column for each person_id to remove the gaps?



  • Hi Kate,

    Does the query below return the needed results?

    select person_id,


    RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY person_id ORDER BY insurance_payer_id asc) as 'cob'

    from dbo.resequence

    If so, you can use the results to update the table.

  • That's perfect! Thanks!


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