quirks of the conditional split transform?

  • I have a DW update load package I've written that is functioning oddly. I use a lookup transform to compare my existing table to my staging table and a conditional split ot decide if the rows are new or changed. Rows are ending up in the changed pile that are definitely not changed. I have a pair of fields that are my business keys (two different source systems for the data) and 35 fields I am checking for changes. The only thing I can think of is that this is too many fields to check, or that the conditional split doesn't work well when there are two fields defined as the 'matching key'. Has anyone else encountered this? I'm just looking for confirmation that I'm not crazy, but if this sounds familiar to anyone and you've figured it out, please chime in. Thanks.

  • So I figured out my issue and am posting it in case anyone else needs this info. There were two columns in my data that were char in one source system and varchar in the other. My combined staging table had those columns as varchar. The comparison that the conditional split was doing ending up comparing something like 'Withdrawal ' to 'Withdrawal' and said they did not equal although to my eyes looking at things in the data viewer, they did. I guess the rule is to be careful and consistent in your data types and watch out for trailing spaces...

  • thanks for sharing this.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Thanks for getting back to the question 🙂

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