Question about agent jobs

  • Hi,
    All of my jobs have stopped running, and I noticed something in security.
    If I go to my agent login properties the only database it is not mapped to is the one the jobs run for.
    The problem is I do not know if it was mapped before, I never went in here before, and I would not know what would have in -mapped it if it were mapped. 
    So my question is should this be mapped?
    And if not would anyone know what else I can look at as to why my jobs would all just stop with no errors messages.
    Thank you

  • What do you mean "mapped"? Do you mean the service account that the SQL Server Agent runs under doesn't have a user on that database? If not, then no the SQL Server Agent won't be able to access that database, nor run any jobs/steps against it. Unless you have Database Ownership Chaining, but I'm guessing that isn't the case.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I am talking about the Security properties. If you go to Security --> Logins --> SQL\Agent -->

    t is in this mapping that every database is checked but the one that I really care about (our main one); and this si the one that all the jobs run on.
    Should they all be checked?
    Thank you

  • itmasterw 60042 - Wednesday, May 16, 2018 5:39 AM

    I am talking about the Security properties. If you go to Security --> Logins --> SQL\Agent -->

    t is in this mapping that every database is checked but the one that I really care about (our main one); and this si the one that all the jobs run on.
    Should they all be checked?
    Thank you

    That is exactly what i am talking about in my post still. A login, unto itself, doesn't have any permissions on any databases other than what the guest user does; which is normally disabled or has none. For a Login to be able to do anything on a database it must have a user on  that database, and that user must have the relevant permissions.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Okay so if I go t you right, then it should not be checked?

  • See I am not sure I am under standing you right.
    because when I check other ones here  Some are all checked and some are not.
    So I do not think I am not under standing this.

  • itmasterw 60042 - Wednesday, May 16, 2018 6:00 AM

    See I am not sure I am under standing you right.
    because when I check other ones here  Some are all checked and some are not.
    So I do not think I am not under standing this.

    By default, the service account for SQL Server Agent is a sysadmin. So permissions, mappings to databases shouldn't matter. Start by checking if the account is a sysadmin.  If it's a sysadmin, just ignore the mappings. You should be checking the per service sid for the account - NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT. Lots of information related to this in the following documentation:
    Configure Windows Service Accounts and Permissions


  • Okay thanks everyone for your help, I will look at this.

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