Query to display a single status value

  • I have a query in which I retrieve GroupId,Number Status.So are 3 types of status - NPL,SPL,PL

    When I extract a distinct list of this status based on certain condition

    like group by Group ID, I may get the result with all 3 of them.

    So in the final select I'm grouping by GroupID and status.

    My issue is

    if there are all 3 status,I need to display the highest one ie..,

    if NPL,SPL,PL - NPL is returned

    If SPL,PL-then SPL is returned.

    If only PL - then PL returned.

    Sample quey is:

    select bg.[Group ID],




    (select distinct [Number],

    [Group ID]

    from boga

    where [Group ID] is not null) bg,

    (select [Number],


    from Rec

    where [indicator] = 'Available') r


    bg.[Number] = r.[Number]

    and bg.[Group ID] in



    order by bg.[Group ID], bg.[Number], [Status]

    Will using CASe stmt work?

  • Sample quey is:

    select bg.[Group ID],




    (select distinct [Number],

    [Group ID]

    from boga

    where [Group ID] is not null) bg,

    (select [Number],


    from Rec

    where [indicator] = 'Available') r


    bg.[Number] = r.[Number]

    and bg.[Group ID] in



    order by bg.[Group ID], bg.[Number], [Status]

    Will using CASe stmt work?

    I am not sure if I am overlooking something but where is the group by clause?


  • Sorry forgot to add the group by clause..

    Pls look at the foll query

    select bg.[Group ID],



    (select distinct [Number],

    [Group ID]

    from boga

    where [Group ID] is not null) bg,

    (select [Number],


    from Rec

    where [indicator] = 'Available') r


    bg.[Number] = r.[Number]

    and bg.[Group ID] in



    group by bg.[Group ID],[Status]

    order by bg.[Group ID],[Status]

    So here for each Group Id I can have NPL,SPL,or PL..I need to return one status based on the criteria mentioned above

  • You should give data like this to get an answer. See if this solution works in your case.

    CREATE TABLE Group_Test(Group_ID int, Status varchar(5))

    INSERT INTO Group_Test VALUES(1, 'NPL')

    INSERT INTO Group_Test VALUES(1, 'SPL')

    INSERT INTO Group_Test VALUES(1, 'PL')

    INSERT INTO Group_Test VALUES(2, 'SPL')

    INSERT INTO Group_Test VALUES(2, 'PL')

    INSERT INTO Group_Test VALUES(3, 'PL')

    Select * from (Select RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Group_ID order by Group_ID,

    CASE WHEN Status= 'NPL' THEN 1

    WHEN Status= 'SPL' THEN 2

    WHEN Status= 'PL' THEN 3

    ELSE 4 END) as Row_NU, *

    FROM Group_Test) test

    Where Row_Nu = 1


  • Thank you so much!! The code fits in perfectly:-)

  • Thank you so much!! The code fits in perfectly:-)

  • Thank you so much!! The code fits in perfectly:-)

  • Thank you so much!! The code fits in perfectly:-)

  • You are welcome. 🙂


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