Query question

  • I have the following table:Id   line_id   status   category10  1           4          111  1           4          212  1           1          1What I want is to say if there are rows for the same line_id and same category then select the one with status 4. Can someone help, please?
  • step 1) add an identity to the table. Life will be simpler in soo may ways

    (tongue in cheek column name)

    id_id line_id status category10

    11 4 111

    21 4 212

    31 1 1

    step 2) I'm not really understanding what you want to do.

    are you trying to pull the data from ID, and if there

    are multiple line_id, category10 pick the one with status 4?

    (implying there are move columns, which you want the data from)

  • Probably isn't close to what you want but...

    create table id (id_id int identity, line_id int, status int, category10 int, other varchar(20))

    select * from ID

    id_id line_id status category10 other





    SELECT * FROM id WHERE status = 4


    SELECT * FROM id

    WHERE cast(line_id as varchar(4)) + cast(category10 as varchar(10)) IN

    (select cast(line_id as varchar(4)) + cast(category10 as varchar(10))


    GROUP BY cast(line_id as varchar(4)) + cast(category10 as varchar(10))

    HAVING max(status) = 1)

    Ugly but it works... (and will keep bothering me)


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