Query Question

  • Thanks Timothy that helped a lot. I will investigate so of the other posts on this matter. It's nice to learn new things that make SQL more easy to manage 🙂

  • Just in case anyone is reading my last post and thinks i have resolved my issue, i haven't i was thanking tim for some information in a post he wrote. Please look at my post before last re cross referencing tables. Thanks,look forward to getting some feed back.

  • I think I'm following you. . . Is this what you mean? (I've posted the original vs. the new)

    /* I am looking to extract data from the wce_ilr table

    and insert into wce_contact table but i only want to

    insert data that does not already exist in wce_contact

    table, this is very important.

    The criteria to match on is wce_contact.postalcode,

    wce_contact.company against

    wce_ilr.employer_postcode = wce_contact.postalcode

    AND wce_ilr.company_name where these match ignore

    those records and insert ones that don't match.



    SELECT wce_ilr.EDRS_no AS Uniqueid,

    MAX(wce_ilr.EDRS_no) AS EDRS_no,

    MAX(wce_ilr.company_Name) AS Employer_name,

    max(wce_contact.company) as comp,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Employer_Address_1) AS Address1,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Employer_Address_2) AS Address2,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Employer_Address_3) AS Address3,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Employer_Address_4) AS Address4,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Employer_postcode) AS Postcode,

    'Company' AS Record_Type

    FROM wce_ilr

    LEFT OUTER JOIN wce_contact

    ON wce_ilr.employer_postcode = wce_contact.postalcode

    AND wce_ilr.company_name =wce_contact.company COLLATE database_default

    WHERE (wce_contact.EDRS IS NULL)

    AND wce_ilr.EDRS_no IS NOT NULL

    GROUP BY wce_ilr.EDRS_no

    ORDER BY wce_ilr.EDRS_no


    Select distinct

    wce_ilr.EDRS_no AS Uniqueid,


    wce_ilr.company_Name AS Employer_name,

    wce_contact.company as comp,

    wce_ilr.Employer_Address_1 AS Address1,

    wce_ilr.Employer_Address_2 AS Address2,

    wce_ilr.Employer_Address_3 AS Address3,

    wce_ilr.Employer_Address_4 AS Address4,

    wce_ilr.Employer_postcode AS Postcode,

    'Company' AS Record_Type

    from wce_ilr

    inner join

    --records that aren't currently in the table


    Select PostalCode = employer_postcode,

    Company = company_name,


    from wce_ilr


    Select PostalCode,


    EDRS = EDRS_no

    from wce_contact

    ) vt

    on wce_ilr.employer_postcode = vt.PostalCode

    and wce_ilr.company_name = vt.Company

    and wce_ilr.EDRS = vt.EDRS

  • Hi I will look at this now but i don't think i can use distinct on all the columns i'm using which i why i ended up with the following. Thanks for the feed back.

    This is what i am working with. If you see anything wrong with it let me know. thanks

    Here is the actual code and structure i used based on the above example. I needed to extract unique learner records one row per learner (distinct rows) from table wce_ilr and insert them into wce_contact. The following code worked perfectly to do that.

    INSERT INTO wce_contact (UNIQUEID,contact,firstname,middle_name,lastname,stu_id,dob,



    SELECT stu_id, Student_Forename + ' ' + Surname, Student_Forename, middlename,

    Surname, stu_id, Date_of_Birth, Sex, NI_Number, Learning_Difficulty, Learning_Diff,

    Disability, Ethnicity, Student_Address_1, Student_Address_2, Student_Address_3, Student_Address_4,

    Student_Postcode, Telephone, Email_Address, Mobile_Number, 'Learner'


    ORDER BY stu_id) r, *

    FROM wce_ilr) A

    WHERE r = 1

    The next step is to every day cross reference those tables and where a learner does not exist in the wce_ilr table but does in the wce_contact table copy that learner over to the wce_ilr table. So to test this i tried the following code but i get this error:

    Error for following code:

    Msg 8156, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The column 'Disability' was specified multiple times for 'A'.

    SELECT stu_id, Student_Forename + ' ' + Surname, Student_Forename, middlename,

    Surname, stu_id, Date_of_Birth, Sex, NI_Number, Learning_Difficulty, Learning_Diff,

    Disability, Ethnicity, Student_Address_1, Student_Address_2, Student_Address_3, Student_Address_4,

    Student_Postcode, Telephone, Email_Address, Mobile_Number, 'Learner'


    ORDER BY wce_ilr.stu_id) r, *


    wce_contact ON wce_ilr.stu_id = wce_contact.stu_id COLLATE database_default

    WHERE (wce_contact.stu_id IS NULL)

    AND wce_ilr.stu_id IS NOT NULL) A

    WHERE r = 1

    Here is the bit i added to my working exmaple that copies all the rows without checking for duplicates.


    wce_contact ON wce_ilr.stu_id = wce_contact.stu_id COLLATE database_default

    WHERE (wce_contact.stu_id IS NULL)

    AND wce_ilr.stu_id IS NOT NULL

    Can anyone see why i am getting this error and if this is the best way to cross reference the table?

    Thanks for any help.

  • I assume that you're getting that error because you're selecting * from both tables in the row_number virtual table. Select only the columns that you need instead of selecting *. That would likely fix your problem. Also "except" works well for finding records that exist in one table but do not exist in the other.

  • I tried removing "Disability" from the top select query but still get the below error. I also remove the * and added the same columns from the top select query but removed the "Disability" from that too but i still get the same error. What i do not understand is why is it complaining about that one field, surely they are all specified multiple times for 'A'.

    Any other ideas would be appreciated.

    SELECT stu_id, Student_Forename + ' ' + Surname, Student_Forename, middlename,

    Surname, stu_id, Date_of_Birth, Sex, NI_Number, Learning_Difficulty, Learning_Diff,

    Disability, Ethnicity, Student_Address_1, Student_Address_2, Student_Address_3, Student_Address_4,

    Student_Postcode, Telephone, Email_Address, Mobile_Number, 'Learner'


    ORDER BY wce_ilr.stu_id) r, *


    wce_contact ON wce_ilr.stu_id = wce_contact.stu_id COLLATE database_default

    WHERE (wce_contact.stu_id IS NULL)

    AND wce_ilr.stu_id IS NOT NULL) A

    WHERE r = 1


    Msg 8156, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The column 'Disability' was specified multiple times for 'A'.

  • Remove the astrik "*" from your sub query, and replace it with the field names (this is causing your problem).

  • Thanks again Tim, life saver! Thanks everyone for all the help, i think this case is closed for now.

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