Query in two tables involving chars

  • hi,i'm developing one software in ASP.NET/VB.NET using SQL Server 2005 and at this moment i need to make one special query, but is giving me some problems:

    I have two tables:

    1st: name errorwords and the fields that i need is txt_alt(varchar) and n_errors(int)

    2st: name caracter and the field is only caracter(char),

    they tables are not related but:

    i need something like that:

    Select txt_alt from errorwords where n_errors=0 and

    txt_alt not like '% (select caracter from caracter) %'

    this is giving error because "select caracter from caracter" returns chars like 'ø', '¢', 'Ā', 'ń', 'ē' ,'Ŗ' ,'æ' , 'ģ', 'Ķ', 'ß' and this char can be in any part of the string txt_alt

    futhermore i need to check if the '?' appears only one time and in the end of the setence...

    i probably should make some procedure but my sql knologe is limited and i never work with procedures....

    Can anyone help?

  • Can you explain clear by posting some sample datas and expected Results you are looking for


  • Yes, i will try:

    In the table errorwords i have sentences with some char in the sentences that are not from my language and i have to correct it....

    But in some cases i have interrogations, so i need some query or procedure that goes to errorwords and check if is one question: {to be question can't appear none of the char from caracter table execpt the '?' and this one only in the end of the sentence}

    ==>> Table errorwords:

    id txt_alt

    1 hellø thiA sentRnce have bæd chars

    2 this one is correct

    3 this ? have two ?

    4 this is one question ?


    ==>> Table caracter

    id_letter caracter

    1 ?

    2 ø

    3 ¢

    4 A

    5 n

    6 e


    I hope now i explain better 🙂

    Thanks fot the attencion

  • If I understood you correctly, you may need to take the record in your caracter table that has the ? in it and delete it. I think a query along the lines of the following might then work:


    FROM errorwords JOIN caracter

    WHERE n_errors = 0 AND

    txt_alt NOT LIKE '%'+caracter+'%' AND

    txt_alt NOT LIKE '%?%?' AND

    (txt_alt LIKE '%?' OR txt_alt NOT LIKE '%?%')

    Does that help?


    (aka smunson)


  • Is giving me one errors and it says that is near the where...

    thar are one thing that i don't understand wen the join is maded u put errorwords join caracter

    and after in "txt_alt NOT LIKE '%'+caracter+'%' " how did i know that he is seing the fiel caracter of the table caracter?

    Thanks fot the attencion 🙂

  • I suspect if you replace the word JOIN with a comma, that problem may go away.

    On the LIKE operator, the expression 'abcde' LIKE '%b%' is TRUE, while the expression 'abcde' LIKE '%Æ%' is FALSE. Thus the NOT LIKE will invert the result. A % character within the string that FOLLOWS the LIKE operator is a wildcard that can represent any string of characters, or even no characters, while an underscore represents any single character, and reviewing that made me realize that I need to fix the conditions somewhat, so here's new code:


    FROM errorwords, caracter

    WHERE n_errors = 0 AND

    txt_alt NOT LIKE '%'+caracter+'%' AND

    txt_alt NOT LIKE '%?%?' AND

    (txt_alt LIKE '%?' OR txt_alt NOT LIKE '%?_%')

    Does that help?


    (aka sgmunson)


    nandoliveira (6/18/2008)

    Is giving me one errors and it says that is near the where...

    thar are one thing that i don't understand wen the join is maded u put errorwords join caracter

    and after in "txt_alt NOT LIKE '%'+caracter+'%' " how did i know that he is seing the fiel caracter of the table caracter?

    Thanks fot the attencion 🙂

  • There is a easier way to do that, but the table must be full-text indexed.


    Leandro Nuñez.

  • Might be easiest to determine which characters are legal and look for anything that DOESN't match. I'd use patindex for that.

    something like

    PATINDEX('%[^0-9a-zA-Z .,!+-]%',MyColumnname)>0

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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