• HI,

    i need help on my query.when i execute it i get accurate results for some months and inaccurate results for some months.Any suggestions on it



    create table #tmp1


    (PolicyNumber varchar(10) Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    , TableCode  varchar(3) Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    , SeriesCode varchar(1) Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

     , IssueAge tinyint

    , Gender    char Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    , EffectiveDate smalldatetime

    , ReserveCase decimal

    , ClaimNumber varchar(7) Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    , LastName varchar(20) Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    , FirstName varchar(15) Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    , LossDate datetime

    , InClaimFile bit

    , Recaptured varchar(10) Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN


    Insert Into #tmp1 (PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode, IssueAge, Gender, ReserveCase)

    Select PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode, IssueAge, Gender, Sum(ReserveCase*0.8) AS ReserveCase

    From GE_Reserve

    where Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter And ReserveCase <> 0

    Group By PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode, IssueAge, Gender--, Month_of_file


    Update #tmp1

    Set ClaimNumber = c.ClaimNumber,LastName = c.LastName,FirstName = c.FirstName,LossDate = c.LossDate,InClaimFile = 1,EffectiveDate=c.EffectiveDate

    From #tmp1 r Inner Join GE_Claim c

    On r.PolicyNumber = c.PolicyNumber Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    And r.TableCode = c.TableCode Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    And r.SeriesCode = c.SeriesCode Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    And r.IssueAge = c.IssueAge Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    And r.Gender = c.Gender Collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN

    Where c.LossDate in (Select Max(LossDate) from GE_Claim

    Where PolicyNumber = c.PolicyNumber And TableCode = c.TableCode And SeriesCode = c.SeriesCode And IssueAge = c.IssueAge And Gender = c.Gender

    And Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter

    Group By PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode, IssueAge, Gender)

    UPDATE #tmp1

    SET EffectiveDate = ge.EffectiveDate

    FROM #tmp1 t

    INNER JOIN GE_Claim ge   ON t.PolicyNumber = ge.PolicyNumber

    and t.SeriesCode = ge.SeriesCode

    and t.TableCode = ge.TableCode

    and t.IssueAge = ge.IssueAge

    and t.Gender = ge.Gender

    Where t.EffectiveDate is null and ge.Month_of_file <= @Month_of_file_filter

    declare @PolicyNumber varchar(10), @TableCode varchar(3), @SeriesCode varchar(1), @IssueAge tinyint, @Gender char(1)

    declare @LossDate datetime

    declare @month varchar(8) -- Need for proper sorting

    declare cursor1 cursor Forward_only

    for select PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode, IssueAge, Gender

    from #tmp1 where LossDate is null

    and EffectiveDate is not null

    order by PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode, IssueAge, Gender

    open cursor1

    fetch next from cursor1 into @PolicyNumber, @TableCode, @SeriesCode, @IssueAge, @Gender

    while @@Fetch_Status = 0



                declare Cursor2 cursor forward_only for

                select Month_of_file, Max(LossDate) LossDate from GE_Claim

                where PolicyNumber = @PolicyNumber and  TableCode = @TableCode and SeriesCode = @SeriesCode

                and IssueAge = @IssueAge and Gender = @Gender

                and Month_of_file <= @Month_of_file_filter

                Group By Month_of_file

                order by Month_of_file Desc

                Open Cursor2

                fetch next from Cursor2 into @month, @LossDate

                While @@Fetch_Status = 0



                            if @LossDate Is not Null


                                                    Update #tmp1

                                                    Set LossDate = @LossDate

                                                    Where PolicyNumber = @PolicyNumber and  TableCode = @TableCode and SeriesCode = @SeriesCode

                                                    and IssueAge = @IssueAge and Gender = @Gender





                fetch next from Cursor2 into @month, @LossDate



                close Cursor2

                deallocate Cursor2        


                fetch next from cursor1 into @PolicyNumber, @TableCode, @SeriesCode, @IssueAge, @Gender


    close cursor1

    deallocate cursor1



    --select * from #tmp1 where LossDate is null and EffectiveDate is not null


    Update #tmp1

    Set Recaptured = 'Recaptured'

    Where LossDate Is Not Null

    And DateAdd(yyyy, 10, EffectiveDate) < LossDate

    Update #tmp1

    Set Recaptured = 'Reinsured'

    Where LossDate Is Not Null

    And Recaptured Is  Null

  • It's the 2nd time you post that question. Looks like you didn't get much help last time.  What I'm proposing is you change something in the question.


    1 - Dump the current code.

    2 - POST the DDL

    3 - Sample data

    4 - Required output

    5 - Let our imagination run on this one.



  • Knowing what is inaccurate and what is accurate is critical. IF you look at the results, can you tell which section of the code is not working?

    Follow ninja's advice above.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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