query governor cost limit option

  • Let me put it in simple words.  I keep the production databases safe from even myself... and I'm the only programmer/DBA in the building.  That's because I already screwed up once and I know it's gonna happen again one day... but not on production!!!!!!1

  • I went on production yesterday to LOOK at a DTS package... and as I clicked on "design" my mouse jumped to execute... it was a "data pump" that ONLY gets run when required... I hit cancel, and fortunately, the work was in a transaction; but, this stuff happens

    I have been doing this since 1968, Oracle DBA since 1982, and SQL Server DBA since 1998...

    you just can't avoid it.  Prepare for it... and if you do have "selective hearing"...


    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

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