Query for registry entry date and time.

  • I have updated DST-2007 patch on my machine successfully.

    Cross checked event log and regedit key and has been installed successfully.

    Now my question is want to get the date and time when it was installed through the Query Analyzer to aviod the manual check.

    I have got one stored procedure "master..xp_regread " but i did not find any parameter to get the date and time.or any other way...?

    Can any one help me on this?

    Any help would be helpful to me...




  • you are right...you can read or write a registry key, but there is no log or anything to tell you when a registry key was created/edited.

    if there is a key that happens to have the datetime as it's value, you could read that, but no registry key as that as an attribute to read.


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  • Thanks you very much sir,

    So there is no way to get the date and time....

    Just i wanted to not to check all the pc's whether dst has been installed or not and to automate the things....



  • Thanks you very much sir,

    So there is no way to get the date and time....

    Just i wanted to not to check all the pc's whether dst has been installed or not and to automate the things....



  • Thanks you very much sir,

    So there is no way to get the date and time....

    Just i wanted to not to check all the pc's whether dst has been installed or not and to automate the things....



  • Date and Time of the install of a patch is available in the Windows System Event Log. MS provides a command-line tool, which is part of the Windows 2000 Resource Kit, that

    dumps an event log for a local system or a remote system into a tab-separated text file. This tool can also be used to filter based on event types. The output can be loaded to a database table.


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Yes, You are right.

    But here we do not have permission to execute the .exe files in local systems.

    I have to check thru only QA or manual check.

    Is MS provides any queries in sql server on event viewer?

    Any way thanks allot for sharing info...




  • Bagath

    There's an undocumented extended stored procedure called xp_eventlog.  I don't know exactly what it does or even whether it would be right for what you want, but I'm sure you'll find information on it if you search the web.


  • Thanks John...:-)

    Definitely i will search it out and will give update once i get the solution....

    Thanks to all once again....






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