QOD 8/29

  • This is a trick question. Not all users are disconnected. Only the unqualifed users are after 30 seconds.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • This is not a trick question. "Everyone" is not disconnected. The issuer of the ALTER DATABASE statement is not disconnected. The "answer" is incorrect. The correct answer should be #1. The database is placed into single user mode after 30 seconds.

  • There are a couple of threads on this question with many of us contesting the reported correct answer.

    What is the outcome of this dispute? I think those of us who chose answer (1) should be credited with a correct answer.


  • Hi Brian,


    What is the outcome of this dispute? I think those of us who chose answer (1) should be credited with a correct answer.

    that never worked before on other critical questions



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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  • The proposed answer is the best choice. It does disconnect all users connected to the database which is being ALTERed. However, the wording would be more accurate, if it stated ' everyone connected to the database being altered (NOT CONNECTED TO THE SERVER)...'


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