Proc Fails when run in SSIS but runs fine in SSMS

  • Hi All, 

    I have the Stored procedure below which iterates through a table to decrypt RSA encrypted email addresses. 
    When run in SSMS it runs perfect however when run in SSIS i get the error message:

    Error: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    any ideas?
    ALTER PROC Data.DecryptRSA

    SET @i = (
            SELECT count(*)
            FROM Data.RSAtoDecrypt
            WHERE DecryptedEmail IS NULL

    SELECT @i

    WHILE @i >= 0

            --Get the XML Key
            SET @PrivateKeyXML = (
                    SELECT [PrivateKeyXML]
                    FROM [dbo].[RSAKeys]
                    WHERE [KeyName] = 'Key1'
            --Call the C# Fcuntion passign in the Encoded/Encrytped String and the XML Key
            SELECT [dbo].[RSADecrypt]((
                        SELECT Emailaddress
                        FROM Data.RSAtoDecrypt
                        WHERE rn = 1
                        ), @PrivateKeyXML) DecryptedValue
            INTO #A
        --Update Decrypted Value where RN = 1
        UPDATE Data.RSAtoDecrypt
        SET DecryptedEmail = DecryptedValue
        FROM #a
        JOIN Data.RSAtoDecrypt ON RN = 1

        DROP TABLE #A;

        UPDATE Data.RSAtoDecrypt
        SET RN = NULL;
        --Recalculate RN ignoring decrypted emails
        UPDATE Data.RSAtoDecrypt
        SET RN = B.RN
        FROM Data.RSAtoDecrypt A
        JOIN (
            SELECT ID
                ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
                    PARTITION BY NULL ORDER BY ID
                    ) RN
            FROM Data.RSAtoDecrypt
            WHERE decryptedemail IS NULL
            ) B ON a.ID = b.ID

        SET @i = @i - 1

  • It would appear you have data you are not expecting..The part of your code that has WHERE rn = 1, must be bringing back more than 1 row.  There doesn't seem to be any part of your code that sets RN to 1, and there is an update to set all rows in the table to have RN be NULL, so I'm not clear from your code, exactly how you are choosing the one row you want to decrypt.

  • I'm also not sure why you are using a WHILE loop in the first place.  You should be able to do this without any loops.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Friday, August 24, 2018 12:46 PM

    I'm also not sure why you are using a WHILE loop in the first place.  You should be able to do this without any loops.


    Thanks guys.
    Posted at the end of a very long day and realised i could have just done this as a simple update.

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