Problems reattaching MODEL

  • I've just rebuilt a server and installed SQL2000.

    I've gone through the moving system databases routine as per Steve Jones's articles.  This is something I've done many times in the past.

    The problem is that when I try to reattach MODEL I get a message saying that the command completed successfully, but there is no sign of MODEL either in QA or EM.  If I do a SELECT NAME FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases this confirms that nothing happened.

    I used a standard script that I have that attaches MSDB and MODEL in one fell swoop.  MSDB attached OK but MODEL is AWOL.

    Obviously trace flag 3608 has been set, otherwise MSDB and MODEL wouldn't have dettached in the first place and MSDB wouldn't have reattached.

    I've checked the file locations and names, and a colleague has double checked them as a sanity check.  If the file names and locations are wrong then QA gives an error in any case.

    I've checked the ERRORLOG files but no clues.

    I'm tearing my hair (singular) out here and should be grateful if someone could put me out of my missery.

  • I'm afraid it doesn't help.  These are precisely the steps I am taking in any case.

    sp_attach_db reports that model has been successfully attached, but it is lying!

  • David

    try to attach them individually. first attach MOdel and next MSDB. this would help.

  • According to the MicroSoft article cited above, the order in reattaching is critical. So as David says - attach Model first and then MSDB.

    Also, the article says:

    Note If you try to reattach the msdb database by starting SQL Server with trace flag -T3608, you receive the following error:

    Server: Msg 615, Level 21, State 1, Line 1

    Could not find database table ID 3, name 'model'.

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