Problem with selecting lowest value from a group

  • I have a table that has several sample depths per location and I am trying to write a query that selects the lowest depth value per location. I am trying to write a subquery and do not understand the right way to write it properly.

    If I write

    select location_id, min(sample_depth)as 'sample_depth' FROM  sample_table

    group by location_id

    My results show the shallowest depth per location for all locations in the table

    However if I want to use this subset to get the rest of the columns in the table and I try a subquery such as

    select * from sample_table where exists

    (select location_id, min(sample_depth)as 'sample_depth' FROM  sample_table

    group by location_id)

    order by hole_number

    I get every record in the table and not just the filtered records the subquery gives me?

    What am I doing wrong here?

    Thanks for any help you can provide

  • My suggestion: add a unique column on the table. Probably just add an identity column.

    That way the select becomes

    select * from sample_table where
    id_col in (select id_col 
               FROM  sample_table 
               group by location_id
               having  min(sample_depth))
    order by hole_number

    This is just my $0.02.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • The problem with your subquery is that it is not correlated to the main select. try this:

    select s1.*

    from sample_table as s1

    Inner Join


      select location_id, min(sample_depth)as sample_depth

      FROM  sample_table

      group by location_id

    ) s2

    On ( s1.location_id = s2.location_id And

         s1.sample_depth = s2.sample_depth )

    order by s1.hole_number

  • Hi PW,

    Thanks for your help and the example of how to code this kind of query properly.


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