Problem with Failback of FCI node that's part of an Availability Group

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    We had this issue today also.  2 node cluster with async manual failover AG.  Moved the sql cluster from one node to the other  AG followed and all was well.  Failed back and AG did not follow but all looked well in cluster manager even though DBs were recovery pending not synchronising in sql.  Failed back to working node for now whilst I figure this out

  • MrSQLDBA - Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:39 AM


    We had this issue today also.  2 node cluster with async manual failover AG.  Moved the sql cluster from one node to the other  AG followed and all was well.  Failed back and AG did not follow but all looked well in cluster manager even though DBs were recovery pending not synchronising in sql.  Failed back to working node for now whilst I figure this out

    By the way this is sql 2o16 on Windows 2012

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