problem with & bit operator

  • I have this simple problem:

    I can perform following queries:


    WHERE [col] & POWER(-2,29) != 0


    WHERE [col] & POWER(2,30) != 0

    SELECT POWER(-2,31) & 1

    but I can't perform:


    WHERE [col] & POWER(-2,31) != 0

    despite POWER(-2,31) being a correct integer value. The error says that numeric and integer are incompatible types in bit & operator. Gosh. Even the following:


    WHERE CAST([col] AS INT) & CAST(POWER(-2,31) AS INT) != CAST(0 AS INT)

    does not work (which shouldn't really make any difference because POWER(-2,31) and [col] are integers).

    The [col] definition is INT, NOT NULL

    I understand that I can check for this bit with clasue:

    ...[col] < 0

    but anyway this is really weird. Is there any workaround - or even better flaw in my code?

  • I guess it is the problem with values inside [col] column. Some how it is exceeding the INT size limit. Please make sure [col] is INT not BIGINT.


  • I checked it three times - it is just INT, not BIGINT. Besides i think BIGINT is actually compatible. Anyway - this is just ordinary INT column. And also - if the column exceeds INT limits other queries (with ... & power(2,30) for example) should fail in the same way, shouldn't they?

    Anyway - I will say it once again - this is INT column.

    And additionall - weird - thing.

    I work with 2 (physically 2) computers with SQL Server 05 - let call them A and B.

    I have linked computer B to A so that I can perform queries on tables on computer B working on connection to computer A. Then - the previosly mentioned query was performed on connection to computer A and properly addressing table on computer B.

    If I connect directly to computer B the query is performed properly. Weird.

  • This works fine for me...

    IF ( OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb..#SomeTable' ) IS NOT NULL )

    DROP TABLE #SomeTable

    CREATE TABLE #SomeTable


    SomeColumn1 INT NOT NULL,

    SomeColumn2 INT NOT NULL


    INSERT #SomeTable( SomeColumn1, SomeColumn2 )


    FROM sys.columns


    FROM #SomeTable

    WHERE SomeColumn2 & POWER( -2, 31 ) != 0


    FROM #SomeTable

    WHERE SomeColumn2 & POWER( -2, 29 ) != 0


  • Try to link remote server and do it with


    instead of


  • nimdil (4/2/2009)

    Try to link remote server and do it with


    instead of


    It still works fine...

    EXECUTE ( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM TestServer.RnD.dbo.trnOrders WHERE OrderID & POWER( -2, 29 ) != 0' )

    SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY( TestServer , 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM RnD.dbo.trnOrders WHERE OrderID & POWER( -2, 29 ) != 0' )


    1. Added OPENQUERY example


  • As I stated previously - it works fine with POWER(-2,29); It crushes only with POWER(-2,31)

    If it works fine with you - well. Something is unfortunately wrong with my configuration

  • nimdil (4/2/2009)

    As I stated previously - it works fine with POWER(-2,29); It crushes only with POWER(-2,31)

    If it works fine with you - well. Something is unfortunately wrong with my configuration

    Aaah, now I see, there's indeed a issue with EXECUTE (not linked server version)

    -- This raises an error "The data types int and numeric are incompatible in the boolean AND operator"

    EXECUTE ( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM TestServer.RnD.dbo.trnOrders WHERE OrderID & POWER( -2, 31 ) != 0' )

    -- This executes without any error

    EXECUTE ( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM RnD.dbo.trnOrders WHERE OrderID & POWER( -2, 31 ) != 0' ) AT TestServer

    -- This executes without any error

    SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY( TestServer , 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM RnD.dbo.trnOrders WHERE OrderID & POWER( -2, 31 ) != 0' )


  • Wow, thanks for the solution. It makes code look simpler.

    Do you know why the first syntax returns error? Shouldn't they be equivalent or s.t.?

  • nimdil (4/2/2009)

    Wow, thanks for the solution. It makes code look simpler.

    Do you know why the first syntax returns error? Shouldn't they be equivalent or s.t.?

    I'm still trying find why it failed at first?:cool:;-) I'll ping back when I get the answer for it!!


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