problem in writing stored procedure

  • A user logs in to the site.

    We get the username and from that get the userid.

    A userid has one or many districts.

    A district has one or many centers.

    A center has one or many plans.

    A plan has one or many details where each detail has a workback date.

    The end result should show all the plans that's workback dates

    is due that week.

    Here is an example, a user ttest with userid 2 logs in, this userid 2 has 3 districts (2, 3, 4). Each of this district has more than 1 centers. Like district 2 has centers (1, 3, 5, 6, 33) and district 3 has (2, 4, 7, 9, 23, 32) whereas district 4 has (11, 15, 18, 21, 31, 41).

    Now each of these centers has more than one plans. And each plans has more than one details.

    I need to write a stored procedure where at the end returns only those plans where the workback date falls in what date range a user specifies. Any idea?

  • Please see the links in my signature to see how to post to get better answers. Some DDL for the tables would be helpful. I think you are basically looking for something like this:

    Create Procedure dbo.proc_name


    @username varchar(50),

    @start_date datetime,

    @end_date datetime




    desired columns


    dbo.users U Join

    dbo.districts D On

    U.userid = D.userid Join

    dbo.centers C On

    D.district_id = C.district_id join

    dbo.plans P On

    C.center_id = P.center_id Join

    dbo.details DTL On

    P.plan_id = DTL.plan_id


    U.username = @username And

    DTL.workback_date >= @start_date And

    DTL.workback_date < @end_date

  • Thans Jack. That helped me a lot.

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