problem in Data driven subscription

  • Hi all !

    I do have a problem in data driven subscription in SSRS 2008.

    there are 2 different Datasources.

    1. data source for the generating sales report

    2. data source for getting email id s of concerned persons.

    i have created a data driven subscription for the report from data source 1.

    in the creation process of subscription, i am using the query to retrieve email id from the data source 2.

    have specified the particular field of email id in the 'To' address.

    but i am not getting any reports sent to that addresses.

    Could u say me where i am going wrong?

    I have configured the <reportserver>.config properly.

    Thanks !

  • Any help please !

  • 2.

    have specified the particular field of email id in the 'To' address.

    but i am not getting any reports sent to that addresses.

    Is the field "email id" actually the column that contains the actual email addresses, or just identifiers for the email addresses?

    Also, have you tried seeing if you can send a regular subscription to any of the specified email addresses?

    Could u say me where i am going wrong?

    I have configured the <reportserver>.config properly.

    Thanks !

    By "configuring the reportserver.config properly", does that mean you have added the domain names of the email addresses as valid hosts under Extensions\Delivery\Extension name = "Report Server Email"\Configuration\RSEmailDPConfiguration\PermittedHosts\ ?

    Each domain name needs to be in its own <HostName> xml element.

  • Thanks for ur reply !

    Is the field "email id" actually the column that contains the actual email addresses, or just identifiers for the email addresses?

    Also, have you tried seeing if you can send a regular subscription to any of the specified email addresses?

    Yes the column will contain the actual email addresses not just identifiers

    Thanks ur question... i did check the subscription using normal subscription to one of those email id, but as per schedule its not sending the mail. Could you please help me sorting out this? (Hope this might make work in data driven too)

    The error msg is "Failure sending mail: The transport failed to connect to the server"

    By "configuring the reportserver.config properly", does that mean you have added the domain names of the email addresses as valid hosts under Extensions\Delivery\Extension name = "Report Server Email"\Configuration\RSEmailDPConfiguration\PermittedHosts\ ?

    Each domain name needs to be in its own <HostName> xml element.

    i did configure our remote smtp server as per the steps given in the below link

    Is there any need tht v need to specify the domain of those email ids in the column to be added in tht reportserver.config file? (Sorry if im wrong or dint understood urs)

    We do have ids from Yahoo, gmail, and company's private id too.

  • Hi ! Xpecting any reply...

  • What happens when you do a normal subscription (non data driven()? Does an email get sent?

    Does your data driven subscription have more than one recipient? If so, have you checked to make sure that your email addresses are delimited properly to be fed to the report? You should have semicolons between each address.

  • Daniel Bowlin (10/18/2010)

    What happens when you do a normal subscription (non data driven()? Does an email get sent?

    Does your data driven subscription have more than one recipient? If so, have you checked to make sure that your email addresses are delimited properly to be fed to the report? You should have semicolons between each address.

    Hi Sorry for delayed reply !

    Normal subscription is not working no email is sent . There i have given only one ids in each field (To, CC n BCC)

    In data driven subscription i did used a query to retrieve all the ids being with the db and have specified in the fields (To, CC, BCC) to take the ids from there. How can we delimit it when the ids are taken from the db directly ?

    My apologizes tht i am unaware the knowledge behind..

    Many Thanks !

  • hi I am getting the following error in the status message for normal mail delivery,

    Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration error. Logon failed for the unattended execution account.Mail will not be resent

    Can any one help plz ...

  • Maybe this will help.

  • Can you provide an example query that you're returning the results for your Data Driven Subscription? I may be able to help you if I know what it is that I'm working with.

    Brian K. McDonald, MCDBA, MCSD
    Business Intelligence Consultant
    Jacksonville, Florida

  • Brian K. McDonald (10/24/2010)

    Can you provide an example query that you're returning the results for your Data Driven Subscription? I may be able to help you if I know what it is that I'm working with.

    Its like the following

    Select * from Customer

    there are fields like Name, [E-Mail], [Mob no], etc...

    i have linked the field of E-Mail in the place of CC

    Thank you !

  • Hi All !

    Now i think its working a little.

    I got the status message as 'Mail sent to <My id>'

    but i am not getting any mails to be received so far...

    Can any one plz help me out of this??

    i searched the web and got the link

    as per the solution given there i tried,

    1. services.msc

    2. SQL Server Reporting Services (SQL2008) --> Right click --> Properties

    3. in the tab 'Log on' , selected the Radio Button 'This Account'

    4. and mention OUR_DOMAIN\MYNAME and Pwd My system Pwd

    but the report manager in the URL undergone some issue and throws the error,

    [p]The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key that is used to access sensitive or

    encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete

    all encrypted content. (rsReportServerDisabled) Get Online Help Bad Data. (Exception from

    HRESULT: 0x80090005)[/p]

    So i searched for its solution and did the deletion and restore of Encrypt file.

    and made the Reporting services to run as Local system as b4.

    and got the url set right and the subscription to get status message as Mail sent again.

    Now kindly let me know what i have to do in order to get me mailed the subscription ...

    Thanks a ton in advance !!!

  • Something seems wrong. How is your SSRS instance configured? Can you show me a screenshot or give me details on the SMTP configuration settings? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you've never had an actual email come through using standard or data driven subscriptions? Maybe you just need to go into the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and ensure that it is set up properly?

    Brian K. McDonald, MCDBA, MCSD
    Business Intelligence Consultant
    Jacksonville, Florida

  • Brian K. McDonald (10/25/2010)

    Something seems wrong. How is your SSRS instance configured? Can you show me a screenshot or give me details on the SMTP configuration settings? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you've never had an actual email come through using standard or data driven subscriptions? Maybe you just need to go into the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and ensure that it is set up properly?

    Hi ! if u dont mistake me could u plz say me where can i find those configuration details ? (SSRS & SMTP).

    Actually our SMTP is in a remote place not in our company. do we see its config in local? if s i'll ask our support ppl.

    i guess all the settings what i did is correct in Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

    Its SQL 2008 Enterprise Evaluation Edition.


  • hi any one plz reply.. im very much in need to get the SSRS reports to be delivered.

    Now the status of my Mail subscription is,

    Using Gmail as smtp, i am able to get the status in report manager as 'Mail sent' but no mails are sent.

    All the related services are running as domain users.

    What should i need to check in further???

    plz advice ...

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