Problem exporting to Excel

  • I'm having a problem when i try to export a text field from my database to a column in excel.  I originally got a buffer error because the amount of data was too large, but i have since fixed that.  Now the problem I am having is that the actual column of data will not display more than 255 characters.  I've scoured the microsoft knowledge bases, but have not been able to find anything relevant to this specific issue. 

    This article fixed my overflow error;en-us;281517, but i can't find anything that tells me why my actual document won't display more than 255 characters in that column.

    Any ideas?  Any help is greatly appreciate.



  • I could be wrong here but I think the export to Excel uses the old JET libraries and that is the reason the TEXT data gets restricted to 255 characters.

  • I forgot to add, I built an Excel export routine that spat out an HTML table but the page header had a ContentType="application/"

    This means that although the file is really an HTML file it will be opened in Excel if you try and access it via a browser.

  • is there no way around those limitations of 255 chars?

  • Don't know if this suit you needs, but how about trying this?

    If that doesn't fit then there is a workaround here,




    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks,  appreciate the input greatly.  Unfortunately, the workaround reference is for flat files, not Excel.  So the "Max characters per delimited column" isn't relevant.    Not sure where to go from here, but thanks for attempting to help.  It really is appreciated. 


  • Actually, another question i had, and please excuse my ignorance, but can you do the same thing via the ActiveX task and bypass the Jet drivers altogether?  I'm just not familiar enough with ActiveX.



  • you can create an excel file and export to that from an ActiveX task, and it should overcome the field length issue you were having.

    a few other things you could try would be: create a tab delimited text file (with or without the quotes around the string data) or a csv (with or without the quotes).

    here is some code i borrowed from a vb 6 app that creates an excel and exports to it (it should not have a limit to the size of the field exported - we use it to export comments and they are often times very long):

    Dim oExcelApp, xlb, xls, sExcelSheetName

    Set oExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    Set xlb = oExcelApp.Workbooks.Add

    Set xls = xlb.Worksheets.Add

    sExcelSheetName = "Sheet Name Here"

    xls.Name = sExcelSheetName


    'Set xls= oExcelWorkbook.ActiveSheet

    'from here, the code i have actually transfers the records from a 'grid to the cells, so it wont help much, but let me see if i can 'rewrite it

    Dim rs

    Dim conn

    Dim sSQL

    Dim i, j

    'create conn here

    Set conn = CreateObject("adodb.connection")

    Set rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")

    conn.connectionstring = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=dbname;Data Source=servername"

    sSQL = "select * from tablename" 'or "exec spName" & params etc

    Set rs = conn.execute(sSQL)

    j = 1

    MsgBox "start export"

    Do While Not rs.EOF

    For i = 0 To rs.fields.Count - 1

    If j = 1 Then 'column headers

    xls.cells(j, i + 1) = rs.fields(i).Name

    End If

    xls.cells(j + 1, i + 1) = rs.fields(i)



    j = j + 1


    'clean up everything here:


    Set rs = Nothing


    Set conn = Nothing

    xls.Visible = -1 'xlSheetVisible

    xlb.Application.UserControl = True


    xlb.Parent.Windows(xlb.Name).Visible = True

    xlb.Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    xlb.SaveAs "c:/test.xls"

    'MsgBox "done"



    Set oExcelApp = Nothing

    Set xlb = Nothing

    Set xls = Nothing

    this is bare bones: i would get fancy and make the file name, sheet name and path dynamic as well as check to see if the file already exists, otherwise the pacakge will stop and ask you if you want to overwrite. keep on eye on your processes running in the task manager and make sure excel actually quits, otherwise you might end up with lots of 'invisible' excel processes running which could lead to a crash if it gets to be too many.

  • i made a small correction to the DO loop:

    Do While Not rs.EOF

    For i = 0 To rs.fields.Count - 1

    If j = 1 Then 'column headers

    xls.Cells(j, i + 1) = rs.fields(i).Name


    xls.Cells(j, i + 1) = rs.fields(i)

    End If


    If j > 1 Then


    End If

    j = j + 1


  • Excel can open tab seperated text files without any trouble.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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