Problem Accessing Data through VPN

  • We have 2 reporting systems. One for our old ERP system that runs on 2005 and our new ERP system which runs on 2008. Our salesmen in the field get their data through SSRS via the VPN. We've been running the 2005 version for a couple of years without issue. Last week we started introducing the new SSRS to the salesmen on the VPN. They can get to the reports, but when the reports run it just stays 'Loading'. So they can get to the reports, but not the data. I feel like I am missing a setting, but I am not sure as to where.

    So one VPN with SSRS 2005 which works fine and SSRS 2008 which you can get to the reports, but not get any data. Any ideas?


  • My first thought is how long does the same report run if you are local on the network. From a previous experience we had a problem where the reports were slow over VPN but the data did appear, it was tied to the amount of data that was being shipped over the pipe.. Not sure if that is your problem here..


  • Are you sure the problem is occurring just over VPN? Have you isolated all the variables?

    I had a very peculiar issue with a new SSRS instance that was similar to this. What it turned out to be was under "Site Settings">"Security"> I had to add "BUILTIN\Users" as a "System User" role.

    Once I did that the behavior went away. I know thats kind of a long shot, but might wanna just verify that those permission settings match between your servers...

  • Elliot - When I am plugged in to the network at the office, it takes a couple of seconds to run the report. Tonight I'll let the reports run and see if they ever produce.

    GetOffMyFoot - I'm not sure that is the problem because I was able to get to the reports in the various folders and I was able to enter variables, it just would not render the results. It just stayed in 'LOADING'. However I don't have a problem giving it a shot, so added Builtin\users and I'll try it tonight and see if it works or not. I'll let you know.


  • So I have Builtin\users, Domain Users and Everyone with permissions on the 2008 SSRS and it still is not working. I am a domain admin and it doesn't work for me either. One thing I noticed is that on some of the reports where I have a dropdown and the user selects from a subquery that lists the parameter values, it works. Data is being accessed. The reports just are not being rendered. Some reports time out and others just have a blank, unformatted report. All the while, the SSRS 2005 is working fine.

  • My feeling is that the report is having trouble getting all the data to render on your side. This is often a bandwidth issue. Unfortunately the only thing I can think of is simplifying the report..


  • Can you clarify how you are accessing the reports over the vpn please?

    Are you using a browser on the remote client to connect to the RS site?

    Are you using a Terminal Services session or similar to open a browser to connect to the site?

    Have you checked the VPN connection to see if data is being received while it says the report is loading?

    Are you using an IP address or a host name to connect?

    Have you tried putting the host in your "hosts" file on the remote client?


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  • Forum Etiquette: How to post Reporting Services problems
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  • Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - by Jeff Moden
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  • How to Post Performance Problems - by Gail Shaw
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  • I am not having any luck with this at all.

    1. I can connect to the report manager. It shows all of the reports. I can look at the report properties, securities, etc.. This tells me that I can get to the report manager.

    2. One of my reports has a subquery that produces a list of salesmen from a table to use as a parameter. I can see all of the data and pick one of them to run the report. This tells me that it is accessing data.

    3. When I run the reports, they either get stuck 'Loading' or it stops running with no rendering or data. Sometimes I see "Waiting for parent.csco_wrap_js('\'\")...." in the bottom left corner of IE. Not sure if that means anything.

    4. We use Cisco VPN. The users log into our web website, put in their credentials, which takes them to the VPN screen where they can access the Report Manager.

    5. On the same VPN, we have an older Reports Manager running SSRS 2005 and runs on a 2003 Server, which works fine. The new report manager run on SSRS 2008 and on a 2008 Server.

    6. I have turned off all of the firewalls on the server. Didn't make a difference.

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