• Hello,

    While getting a handle on how to trap errors in stored procedures and how

    this works when the procedure is called from within a job, I encountered

    some odd behaviour which I would like to try and have someone help me


    It's not that there's a problem as such, more a lack of understanding why

    things work the way they do, so please bear with me as in order to try and

    illustrate the mystery I need to show you what I'm doing.

    OK, first I have a simple test stored procedure which forms the core of my

    testing as follows:

    CREATE PROC [dbo].[USP_Test]

    @In_Value VARCHAR(30),

    @Status INT OUTPUT




    SET @Status = 0;

    PRINT '* USP_Test - Starting';

    PRINT '* Input Parameter = ' + @In_Value;

    DECLARE @TestTable TABLE


    TestCol1 INT NOT NULL



    PRINT'* Start of TRY block'

    INSERT INTO @TestTable(TestCol1)


    PRINT '* End of TRY block'



    PRINT '* Start of CATCH block'

    SET @Status = 1

    RAISERROR('Forced Error',15,1)

    PRINT '* End of CATCH block'


    PRINT '* USP_Test - Ending';


    In order to test certain behaviours I am calling this SP in two ways.

    The first is within a job I've created with two steps that I've called

    "TestJob". Both of this job's steps are T-SQL and are coded as follows:

    Step 1 -

    DECLARE @Status INT;

    EXEC USP_Test 'Test Job String Value',

    @Status OUTPUT;

    PRINT 'Return Value of @Status ' + CAST(@Status AS VARCHAR(6));

    Step 2 -

    PRINT '* Step 2 of the job is running'

    The second way I call my test SP is via SSMS's query window like this:

    DECLARE @Status INT;

    EXEC USP_Test 'Test Value',@Status OUTPUT;

    PRINT 'Return Value of @Status = ' + CAST(@Status AS VARCHAR(6));

    I've configured the job steps to send output into a txt file for viewing the

    results of job and SP execution.

    When I execute the T-SQL code via SSMS, the results window shows the


    * USP_Test - Starting

    * Input Parameter = Test Value

    * Start of TRY block

    * Start of CATCH block

    Msg 50000, Level 15, State 1, Procedure USP_Test, Line 28

    Forced Error

    * End of CATCH block

    * USP_Test - Ending

    Return Value of @Status = 1

    So far, so good. I see the generated error message from RAISERROR() shown

    where I expected I.e. at the point of the caught error in the CATCH block.

    However, when I look at the results of the output from my test job calling

    the same SP, I see the following:

    Job 'Test Job' : Step 1, 'Task 1' : Began Executing 2012-09-05


    Msg 50000, Sev 15, State 1, Line 28 : Forced Error [SQLSTATE 42000]

    Msg 0, Sev 15, State 1, Line 12 : * USP_Test - Starting [SQLSTATE 01000]

    Msg 0, Sev 15, State 1, Line 13 : * Input Parameter = Test Job String

    Value [SQLSTATE 01000]

    Msg 0, Sev 15, State 1, Line 20 : * Start of TRY block [SQLSTATE 01000]

    Msg 0, Sev 15, State 1, Line 26 : * Start of CATCH block [SQLSTATE


    Two things puzzle me about the above results.

    The first is the fact that the forced error produced via

    RAISERROR() is reported BEFORE the SP's PRINT statement steps? I don't

    understand the non-linear nature of this.

    The second is why each PRINT statement result is

    reported as an error with an error message of zero. I would have expected to

    see the results of the PRINT statements output as normal before the

    RAISERROR() statement was encountered and then the forced error message and

    then nothing as the SP within the job would exit at that point with the

    RAISERROR() level 15.

    The other odd thing is that if I replace the first PRINT command within the

    TRY block with a SELECT instead, then the output of this SELECT is shown

    BEFORE the forced error text.

    So, it seems that using SELECT shows results in a more linear fashion than PRINT does.

    I would be grateful if anyone can please enlighten me as to why the above

    behaviours occur?



  • For what its worth, the output of PRINT will render when the batch has COMPLETED, whereas RAISERROR will render immediately. This may explain why you're seeing RAISERROR output before PRINT

    :exclamation: "Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience." :exclamation:

  • Robin Sasson (9/5/2012)

    For what its worth, the output of PRINT will render when the batch has COMPLETED, whereas RAISERROR will render immediately. This may explain why you're seeing RAISERROR output before PRINT

    I think that explains quite a bit. Thanks.

  • What I found that was more interesting to me (and not mentioned in this example), was that the output of the PRINT statement was changed. Here is my example:

    Before RAISERROR:

    15:30:02: Checking to see if data for 11/12/2013 has already been imported into the COPS_VPS_ASSOCIATION_TABLE... [SQLSTATE 01000]

    After RAISERROR:

    Msg 0, Sev 16, State 1, Line 60 : 16:00:02: Checking to see if data for 11/19/2013 has already been imported into the COPS_VPS_ASSOCIATION_TABLE... [SQLSTATE 01000]

    The difference between the times and dates are because the second example was run one week + one half-hour later than the first example.

    What I found interesting was that the presence of the RAISERROR prefixed my PRINT statements with RAISERROR-type data, i.e., Msg, Sev, State, Line. Furthermore, if the RAISERROR is not invoked, these PRINT statements print without this prefixed information. (SQL Server 2005, if that makes a difference.) I am intrigued by the fact that RAISERROR actually changed PRINT output that had already been spooled. My results also corresponded with this post. The following was the first output:

    Msg 50000, Sev 16, State 5, Line 534 : The file for date '11/19/2013' is not ready. [SQLSTATE 42000]

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