Print question

  • I need to create a custom backup process that basically replaces the date in the filename with just the Day & Hour. (It's a long story & not germain to my problem.) I've created a new database to keep a plan name, database name & a file name for the location of the backup. I have this script that is currently 'printing' the query to execute the backup - the problem is the Print statement is blank. I want to use this to make sure the query is correct before actually issuing the query. Right now, I suspect the query won't do anything either. Any advice is apprciated.

    Declare @DD varchar(2),

    @HH varchar(2),

    @FileName NVarchar(300),

    @Query NVarchar(300),

    @PlanName Nvarchar(50),

    @DatabaseName Nvarchar(50),

    @RowCount int,

    @I int

    set @DD = DAY(GetDate())

    If LEN(@DD) < 2 set @DD = '0' + @DD

    select @HH = convert (time,getdate())

    Set @I = 1

    Set Nocount on

    Select Identity (int, 1,1) as ID_Num, FileName, DatabaseName

    into ##TempTable

    from BackupMaster.dbo.tblDatabases

    Where PlanName = 'Main'

    Order by DatabaseName

    Set @RowCount = (Select COUNT(*) from ##TempTable)

    While @I <= @RowCount


    Select @Filename, @Databasename

    from ##TempTable

    where ID_Num = @I

    Set @FileName = ltrim(rtrim(@FileName)) + '_' + @DD + @HH

    Set @Query = 'Backup Database [' + ltrim(rtrim(@DatabaseName)) + '] to Disk = ' + @FileName + '.bak with noformat, noinit, Name = ' + @FileName + ', Skip, Rewind,NoUnload,Stats=10'

    print @Query


    set @I = @I + 1


    set nocount off

    Drop Table ##TempTable

  • Right off the bat I can see that you are using 2 ## instead of 1 for your temp table...

    CE - Microsoft

  • Ok, look at this:

    Select @Filename, @Databasename

    from #TempTable

    where ID_Num = @I

    @filename and @databasename have not been set to anything. So they are NULL.

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (1/19/2012)

    Ok, look at this:

    Select @Filename, @Databasename

    from #TempTable

    where ID_Num = @I

    @filename and @databasename have not been set to anything. So they are NULL.

    Are you getting this? HINT: SELECT @filename = filename, @databasename = databasename 🙂

    CE - Microsoft

  • Thanks.

    I'll see how that goes.

  • The one which u are using is a global temp table Global temporary tables are visible to any user after they are created; and they are deleted when all users referencing the table disconnect from SQL Server.

    I dont think this is a requirement here.(or may be I donno if u wnt to use it :-P)

    Secondly the variables must be initialised as mentioned above:-)

  • Thanks for your replies. They are helpful.

    Correcting the Select statement to populate the variables was the trick.

    The information in the temp tables isn't sensitive, and I drop them at the end of the query. I've also added a test to see if they exist prior to creating the table.

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