• i have migrated a database from ms access to sql server and application developer is not available. i was told migrate database from access to sql server and I have to create primary and foreign key relationships. I don't even know the whole uses of the some of the tables.

    there are 31 tables and there is one column that they share all of them, called UID that is it. goes like this

    is it possible to make UID both PRIMARY of all the tables and FOREIGN KEYS OF ALL THE TABLE. THANKS


    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977



    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977

    bending orders


    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977



    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977


  • Nassan (5/21/2014)

    i have migrated a database from ms access to sql server and application developer is not available. i was told migrate database from access to sql server and I have to create primary and foreign key relationships. I don't even know the whole uses of the some of the tables.

    there are 31 tables and there is one column that they share all of them, called UID that is it. goes like this

    is it possible to make UID both PRIMARY of all the tables and FOREIGN KEYS OF ALL THE TABLE. THANKS


    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977



    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977

    bending orders


    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977



    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977


    ??? Based on the above, all of your tables have the same structure and data.

  • sorry, I did not mention that this tables are just for demo and not actual tables

    and I was trying to show you that UID exists all the tables 31 of them.

    can that UID be used as foreignkeys and primary keys?

  • Nassan (5/21/2014)

    i have migrated a database from ms access to sql server and application developer is not available. i was told migrate database from access to sql server and I have to create primary and foreign key relationships. I don't even know the whole uses of the some of the tables.

    there are 31 tables and there is one column that they share all of them, called UID that is it. goes like this

    is it possible to make UID both PRIMARY of all the tables and FOREIGN KEYS OF ALL THE TABLE. THANKS


    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977



    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977

    bending orders


    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977



    UID FnameLnameDOB

    1JakeJazzy 1/2/1977

    2JakeJazzy 1/3/1977

    3JakeJazzy 1/4/1977

    4JakeJazzy 1/5/1977

    5JakeJazzy 1/6/1977

    6JakeJazzy 1/7/1977

    7JakeJazzy 1/8/1977


    Still not sure what it is you are doing here, but if the UID column uniquely identifies a single row then yes it can be a primary key in that table. If there is relationship between tables based on the UID, then yes it can be used as a foreign key.

    Please note, I am NOT telling you that this will in fact work for your particular situation as I have no knowledge of what you are trying to accomplish or if that relationship makes sense between all the tables.

  • Without seeing the correct table structures you have, it is impossible to give you a full answer BUT it looks like the UID is a unique surrogate key for each record in EACH table. So the UID in Customers is not the same field in Orders.

    You should probably set the UID as the primary key in each table.

    You will need to set up foreign key relationships based on linking the UID to another field, for example, I hope your Orders table has a field that is an integer that represents the UID in the Customer table.

    How were these relationships defined in Access?

    I'm only guessing because you haven't given us your table structures.

  • thanks.

    the question was can one column that exists in all the tables in a database be used as a primary key for each table and foreign key for each table since this column exists in all the tables and is int data type


    ... sorry i cant share the real table structure as this is gov project and I'm only contractor little guy here

  • Yes, that IS possible, but highly unlikely.

    It appears that the original designer of the database named all of the ID fields in all of the tables the same. If you check out the structure of the table in Access, this is probably set as a long integer as the datatype, and the field is set to increment.

    There is likely no correlation between UID #1 in table X, and UID #1 in table Y.

    However, if table X contained a field tableY_UID, then it is likely that there is a relation in place.

    You need to run some queries to determine if the various tables are in fact related. Do you have access to the user interface? Look up a record in the UI, and then attempt to query the database to find all of the associated records. You can then extrapolate the relationships.

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