Preserving the total field lenght

  • Hello comunity

    I have a field Char(10) named bank, and another one Char(15) named namebank.

    I need to create a TSQL query, but i need to preserve the white space on my first field named bank and concatenate with the other namebank, this last i dont need white space.

    B001 Bank 123

    How can accomplish this query.

    Many thanks

    Luis Santos

  • Luis,

    Do you mean that you only want actual blanks because the char inserts to fill.

    Do you wish to trim the namebank column?

    create table x (b1 char(10), b2 char(15))

    insert into x (b1, b2) values

    ('h', 'w'),

    ('he ', 'wo ')

    select b1, b2, b1 + b2

    from x

  • Hello

    I explain better why i need to preserve whitespaces.

    I have one field that keep my bank C(10) + codbank C(15), like this:

    Select bank + codbank from tblbanks

    B010 Bank 123

    Then if my bank is:

    B1 i need to keep like this:

    B1 Bank 456

    Ok, i can use case statement to check LEN(bank), but what i want is avoid the Case statment.

    I hope i could explain better the situation,

    Best regards

    Luis Santos

  • luissantos (6/24/2014)


    I explain better why i need to preserve whitespaces.

    I have one field that keep my bank C(10) + codbank C(15), like this:

    Select bank + codbank from tblbanks

    B010 Bank 123

    Then if my bank is:

    B1 i need to keep like this:

    B1 Bank 456

    Ok, i can use case statement to check LEN(bank), but what i want is avoid the Case statment.

    I hope i could explain better the situation,

    Best regards

    Luis Santos

    Your explanation does not make any sense to me. Why do you need LEN here? You know exactly how long each row is because they are defined as char. And no clue what a CASE expression has to do with it. One challenge here is that HTML does not keep the formatting. Instead post your data in a temp table or some other type of consumable format.

    Look at the following example. There is no need to check the length or use a case expression to maintain the spaces.

    create table #something


    Bank char(10),

    CODBank char(15)


    insert #something

    select 'B1', 'Bank 456'

    select Bank + CODBank

    from #something


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  • Hello Sean

    Thanks for your reply, also i solve like this:

    DECLARE @meubanco CHAR(10)

    SET @meubanco = '1'


    cast(replace(@meubanco,'',' ')as char(10)) + conta

    FROM bl

    Maybe, that´s make no sense, but on the application that i use (not my application), like i said i have a field named OLLOCAL that concate bank+codbank, but they don´t keep or respect the blank spaces when the INSERT or UPDATE Trigger fired, that´s why i need to do this.

    Best regards,

    Luis Santos

  • A variable or a column with data type char(10) should give you 10 spaces. If it's not, then at some point in your code or in the trigger it might be being assigned to a variable or a column of type varchar() and that will trim the trailing spaces. Check the assignments.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • luissantos (6/24/2014)

    Hello Sean

    Thanks for your reply, also i solve like this:

    DECLARE @meubanco CHAR(10)

    SET @meubanco = '1'


    cast(replace(@meubanco,'',' ')as char(10)) + conta

    FROM bl

    Maybe, that´s make no sense, but on the application that i use (not my application), like i said i have a field named OLLOCAL that concate bank+codbank, but they don´t keep or respect the blank spaces when the INSERT or UPDATE Trigger fired, that´s why i need to do this.

    Best regards,

    Luis Santos

    The replace in that query makes no sense. It doesn't find an empty string and replace it with a space.

    This is 100% the same thing.

    DECLARE @meubanco CHAR(10)

    SET @meubanco = '1'

    select @meubanco + conta

    from bl


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  • i think your problem is presentation not data
    in a non-monospace font the "space" uses less pixels in width than a letter

    try this:
    create table #something
     Bank char(10),
     CODBank char(15)
    insert #something
    values( 'B1', 'Bank 456'), ('B123','Bank 456')

    select Bank + CODBank as Wrong, REPLACE(BANK, ' ','_') + CODBank AS Correct
    from #something

    so where do you want to present the data? 
    if you use a monospace font you get all chars with same width

    open this simple sample in a browser

      <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing"0" >
        <td><span>html ignores more than one space</span></td>
        <td><span>spaces use less width</span></td>
        <td><span>using monospace font</span></td>
        <td><span>B1   Bank 456</span></td>
        <td><span>B1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bank 456</span></td>
        <td><span style="font-family: 'Courier New';">B1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bank 456</span></td>
        <td><span>B123  Bank 456</span></td>
        <td><span>B123&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bank 456</span></td>
        <td><span style="font-family: 'Courier New';">B123&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bank 456</span></td>

  • i just realize this post has 4 years ...

  • paulo.margarido - Thursday, May 17, 2018 5:34 AM

    i just realize this post has 4 years ...

    It's ok.  Always good to have more info because even if the OP can't use some info after 4 years, it might help someone else that stumbles across the post when they're looking for an answer for the same question.

    --Jeff Moden

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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Just for curiosity i find out that in non-monospace font the "space" has something about half the width of other characters
    so we can have:

    declare @tabela table (id int identity(1,1), value decimal(10,2))
    insert into @tabela
    select    *
            , REPLICATE(' ',(10-LEN(value))*2) + CAST(value as varchar(10)) as align_value
            , '€' + REPLICATE(' ',(10-LEN(value))*2) + CAST(value as varchar(10)) as align_value2
    from    @tabela

    that looks bad in plain text:

    id    value    align_value    align_value2
    1    1.00        1.00    €    1.00
    2    123.54       123.54    €   123.54
    3    52.00        52.00    €    52.00
    4    12.00        12.00    €    12.00
    5    1568.00      1568.00    €  1568.00
    6    425.36       425.36    €   425.36
    7    1.00        1.00    €    1.00
    8    0.25        0.25    €    0.25
    9    558.00       558.00    €   558.00
    10    12.00        12.00    €    12.00
    11    10000.00      10000.00    €  10000.00
    12    9587.25      9587.25    €  9587.25

    but showing results has table ...

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