Presence of SSIS

  • All,

    I would like to know how good is the market to SSIS in datawarehousing space? Based on the conversation which i had with different people, i am hearing most of the big clients use tool like Informatica, ABinitio, Oracle, data stage etc for their data warehousing need in enterprise wide.

    Please share your thoughts about the presence of SSIS in big clients and in enterprise wide. If you can point me to the links in the web that would be helpful too.


    [font="Arial"]BASKAR BV
    In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goalposts are.[/font]

  • Right tool for the right job..

    All of the tools mentioned are BIG $$$$$$$$$$. And some can do things that SSIS can't, however, even for obscene amounts of data SSIS is a great tool. Before I allowed my management to spend the $$$ I'd have my boss push for a cost benefit analysis and an ROI analysis, knowing what they are going to say even before I start.

    Now don't get me wrong, enterprise like to use "enterprise" tools, the problem is in a lot of cases the enterprise tools don't provide much more performance or features that I can really use than the provided tools.

    Also, I haven't even gotten into the staffing requirements, what does an Informatica guy cost?

    Don't believe the salesman, what do you need to accomplish, write it down, compare packages for what you need and things you will likely need, things that you might need someday should largely be off the list, they might be useful if the decision is close between two packages.

    Do you best to do an honest comparison between the tools that fit your requirements. Try to keep personal biases out of it.


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