Possible to Obtain 2012 SSIS Project (or Package) From the Deployment Server?

  • We are using TFS for source control, which is where we normally obtain our projects to work on them. However, I have been surprised to find that the option to grab the project (or individual package) directly from the server to which it was deployed does not seem to be present any more. I was expecting to find some option to export the project or the capability in Data Tools to open the project from the server but I'm not seeing either. We have spent a decent amount of time looking for information about this to no avail. If anyone has any information about this topic it would be much appreciated.

    └> bt

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  • You can export Integration Services project from SSMS. It will be exported to a ispac file. Then you can open this ispac file in Data Tools. Project Type is Integration Services Import Project Wizard.

  • Thank you my friend.

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

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