PoSh Everywhere

  • I drive at least 40 minutes in each direction (33 miles each way) to work. Typically I'm listening to NPR or audiobooks. This morning I was listening to a podcast.

    412-977-3526 call/text

  • Has anyone had any success in learning this stuff while driving?

    Driving requires too much concentration for other complex tasks. You can learn all sorts of general sort of practices and knowledge by listening to podcasts, but details are in the actual doing.

    It's difficult to learn coding by just listening or reading or watching. You must code and fail, struggle then succeed. Typing the syntax is half the battle.

    So you might learn about a specific feature of SQL Server or a concept in pipelining in either PowerShell or F#, but most folks won't master it until they actually use the feature.

  • Agreed. Its readability suffers dreadfully when people cram the code too close together. Just like C based languages.


    That's why I'm liking F#'s pipelines

    |> Do this

    |> And that

    |> Now polish the turd


  • robert.sterbal 56890 (8/22/2016)

    I drive at least 40 minutes in each direction (33 miles each way) to work. Typically I'm listening to NPR or audiobooks. This morning I was listening to a podcast.

    Your commute sounds identical to mine: 40 minutes each way and listening to either NPR or a podcast. I don't think you can learn a new programming language by listening to a podcast the same way you can Spanish. Some good podcasts are SQL Server Radio, SQL Down Under, SQL Data Partners, Voice of the DBA. There are some good podcasts featuring people talking about what they do with PowerShell.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • There are a lot of good books on PowerShell. Some of them are domain specific like programming for SQL Server, Azure, or Active Directory.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • I've listened to some code items while driving, and it's interesting. However, I can't learn. I can only get interested. I need to re-listen later in front of a computer where I can check things.

    I heard a great lamda expression podcast while driving back from the mountains, but when I got home, I couldn't quite explain to myself what this was. I had to re-listen, and code some at the keyboard. Not sure I still get it, but most coding items need practice.

  • I'm not really seeing the benefit to this outside of sharing existing code across platforms. Outside of that, there is no point to use this on Linux if you're starting fresh. You might as well use Bash or Python or Ruby or something that already is cross platform, rapid and extremely supportive of data from the OS community.

    I am however looking forward in Microsoft moving towards Linux and open source. Many of us are not allowed to use Linux environments in our Windows based organizations because IT/Ops is refusing to support anything not Windows. This will give us the backing we need to start integrating better and more solid environments for our data products and services without being married to Windows.

    I don't want this to sound like strong hate for Windows. I really enjoy Windows and SQL Server. I just also feel Linux is a must stronger candidate for data infrastructure that's also cheaper on the pockets. We need both to integrate more seamless than what it has been and I'm happy we are heading that direction so Linux can play it's role better.

  • I'm not really seeing the benefit to this outside of sharing existing code across platforms. Outside of that, there is no point to use this on Linux if you're starting fresh. You might as well use Bash or Python or Ruby or something that already is cross platform, rapid and extremely supportive of data from the OS community.

    I'm developing in F# on Linux using the VS Code editor. (I also develop on Windows.)


    There's a handful of modern languages that make sense for the future and it helps the F# is one of the better ones that is cross platform, open source and has strong corporate sponsorship.

    Ruby, I abandoned years ago due to speed issues. Python is a good tool in my current tool kit, but isn't a good application language for many tasks, but it shines in the ETL/analysis role. Other functional languages have their quirks that make them challenging.

    Having .NET Core, C#, F# and Powershell available on Linux means I have more choices and opportunities, additional challenges not withstanding.

  • chrisn-585491 (8/23/2016)

    I'm not really seeing the benefit to this outside of sharing existing code across platforms. Outside of that, there is no point to use this on Linux if you're starting fresh. You might as well use Bash or Python or Ruby or something that already is cross platform, rapid and extremely supportive of data from the OS community.

    I'm developing in F# on Linux using the VS Code editor. (I also develop on Windows.)


    There's a handful of modern languages that make sense for the future and it helps the F# is one of the better ones that is cross platform, open source and has strong corporate sponsorship.

    Ruby, I abandoned years ago due to speed issues. Python is a good tool in my current tool kit, but isn't a good application language for many tasks, but it shines in the ETL/analysis role. Other functional languages have their quirks that make them challenging.

    Having .NET Core, C#, F# and Powershell available on Linux means I have more choices and opportunities, additional challenges not withstanding.

    We're not comparing apples to apples here. Everything has their uses. I would much rather hit up Java or C++ on the application end with Python rather than integrated .NET Core with Powershell. Integration, community involvement and history being key here with Linux specifically.

    While a lot of new things sound nice, good luck getting that approved in an enterprise use case. It's already difficult to find good .Net, C++ and Java developers that you can afford, try staffing for the new hotness that is going to require a worldwide search.

  • We're not comparing apples to apples here. Everything has their uses. I would much rather hit up Java or C++ on the application end with Python rather than integrated .NET Core with Powershell. Integration, community involvement and history being key here with Linux specifically.

    DO tell me more about the Linux community, I've only been using/developing on it since the '90s. 😛

    While a lot of new things sound nice, good luck getting that approved in an enterprise use case. It's already difficult to find good .Net, C++ and Java developers that you can afford, try staffing for the new hotness that is going to require a worldwide search.

    It's already approved, thank you.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (8/22/2016)

    I've listened to some code items while driving, and it's interesting. However, I can't learn. I can only get interested. I need to re-listen later in front of a computer where I can check things.

    I heard a great lamda expression podcast while driving back from the mountains, but when I got home, I couldn't quite explain to myself what this was. I had to re-listen, and code some at the keyboard. Not sure I still get it, but most coding items need practice.

    I guess it's sort of like listening to a cooking show on the radio. From the conversation, I can get a feel for whether or not my family and I would like a particular meal. Also, I get an overview of the ingrediants involved and cooking time, but I'll still refer to the website for step by step instructions (preferably a video) when attempting to actually cook it for the first time.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

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