port number of differnent services

  • Hello All

    need some suggestion from all of you

    Is all sql services running on differnt Port or Port is depend on instances .

    If yes pl lest us know how can we find the port number of differnent services running on instance

    pls help me

  • No 😀

  • port number is 1433 by default for a default instance of SQL Server. If you install a named instance, it will grab a different port number by default. You can see what it is using SQL Server Configuration Manager on your server.

    Expand SQL Server 2005 Network

    Click on Protocols for your Instance Name

    Double Click on TCP/IP in the Right Pane to bring up TCP/IP properties

    Click on the IP Addresses tab

    Down at the bottom you will see IPAll

    The Number on TCP Dynamic Ports should be the port number of your instance

    **You can change the port number, but you have to restart the SQL Service for the change to take effect

  • Instances use a range to dynamically select a port. You can get the port from the error log of the instance when it starts up, or you can set a specific port in the Configuration Manager for the instance.

  • In current SQL Server error log check for this statement: Server is listening on [ xxx.xxx.xxx.1 2392].

    2392 is the port number.

    Or you can also find it in this Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp\IPAll

    SQL DBA.

  • thank's to all for your valuable input .

    but i need this below info

    1) is all SQL server 2008 services like (reportaing , Analysis Services ) using differnt port ?

    2) if we need to configure differnt port for all sql service then is it possible ?

  • Narendra (7/31/2009)

    thank's to all for your valuable input .

    but i need this below info

    1) is all SQL server 2008 services like (reportaing , Analysis Services ) using differnt port ?

    2) if we need to configure differnt port for all sql service then is it possible ?

    Both SSRS and SSAS are eventually going to run from database(s) which are placed under sql server and when a client request comes in it is served through 1433 (default port) otherwise random port selection will be done for named instance (default setting).

    And in the case of named instance it is based on random selection.

    Please make sure you are not confusing yourself with Web Service URL / Report Manager URL settings where you specify a port through which you will be able to access report manager. (eg. http://localhost:8080/ReportManager or http://localhost:8080/Reports.

    hope this helps!


    Vivek Shukla - MCTS SQL Server 2008

  • Configuration Manager can help you set ports

  • another thing i should have added to my post is as under.

    To access package stored in msdb database, you must have TCP/IP port 135 open between your machine and the server. This port is a common port used for the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), and many network administrators will not have this open by default.

    Rest as steave said can be chacked from config manager.

    Hope it helps!


    Vivek Shukla - MCTS SQL Server 2008

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